Secrets revealed - Callie x Lena

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Callie's POV

It's been almost a year since I moved in with the Fosters. And today we're going to the court house to finalize my adoption. I can't believe I'm actually getting adopted! I've waited for this for so long and it's finally here.

"Are you excited?" Lena asks me while we sit outside the courtroom. Stef is here but she had to go talk to someone.

"Absolutely! I've been waiting for this for as long as I can remember." I say when we see Stef walking towards us with a worried look.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Somethings wrong with your birth certificate. The lawyer wants to talk to us all." She says and I start to panic internally.

"Hey. We'll figure this out." Stef and Lena say and we all walk to a small meeting room and sit down across from our lawyer.

"So what's wrong with her birth certificate?" Stef asks.

"Colleen Jacobs was not your birth mother and also wasn't on your birth certificate. Neither was Donald. You're birth certificate only has one name which we can't explain but it has the name of your biological and legal mother on it."

"I don't understand. Can't we just find her and have her sign over rights?" I ask.

"There's no need. Because she's already here. Lena is your mother." The lawyer says and we sit in shock.

"What? No. The only baby I've had I miscarried. Or at least that's what I was told." Lena says and I can't sit still anymore. I run out of the room and into the bathroom. I lock myself in the stall, hearing Stef and Lena calling for me as they run down the hallway the same way I did.

I can't believe this. This whole time I could have been in a good home. With an amazing mom but... we don't even know what happened.

"Callie honey. Please come out. You know mama didn't know about this. You heard her in there. Please just come out so we can talk. Please love." I hear Stef say through the stall door.

I stay silent.

"Callie we know you're in there. We see your feet. Please open the door sweetheart." Lena says.

I run my fingers through my long, curly brown hair and wipe the few tears from face that I didn't even realize were there and reach for the lock on the door. I slowly open the door to see my moms. Stef has a soft expression on her face and so does Lena but you can see where a few tears have slipped down her cheeks. I immediately wrap my arms around them.

"We're going to find out how this happened Callie but for now let go in there and officially make you. Callie Adams -Foster. Yeah?" They say and I nod.

Later that night
Lena's POV

I can't believe this. For 16 years I thought my baby was gone. I thought I lost my baby but she's been alive and been through crap.

"Hey love. You okay? That was a lot today." Stef says wrapping her arm around me as she sits down next to me.

"Yeah. Just.... how does something like this happen?" I say resting my head in my hands.

"I don't know. There are some messed up people in the world."

"You got that right. But... I can't help but think that..."

"That what love?"

"That my mom had something to do with it. When I got pregnant I was 18, My mom didn't approve. She wanted me to put the baby up for adoption and go to college. She didn't think I had what it took. And that it would screw up my future. And I... wanted to be a mother." I say just above a whisper because my parents are here to celebrate Callie's adoption.

"I'm sorry that was taken from you Lena. Do you really think Dana had something to do with this?" Stef asks just above a whisper.

"I don't know. But it's a possibility. I'm going to tell them about Callie and confront her at dinner." I say looking at Stef.

"Okay. I'll be right there with you my love." She says cupping the side of my face and kissing me.

"Thank you."

That night at dinner.
Stef's POV

We're all sitting at the dinner table, talking about everyone's day since the kids weren't able to come to the court house because of school and then they ask about court near the end of dinner.

"So there were no problems today, were there?" Mariana asks.

"Not exactly. There was something wrong with my birth certificate but we got it fixed." Callie says smiling. We've never seen her this happy and we hope that we get to see more of it.

"What was wrong with it?" Dana asks.

"Um. Colleen who raised Callie when she was little wasn't on it. She wasn't her birth mother." I say.

"Do you know who is? I mean it had to be someone around here if you were able to get everything done today." Dana asks and I can see Lena getting mad and trying not to show it. So I rest my hand on hers and give her a reassuring look.

"I am. The baby that I "miscarried" when I was 18 is Callie. It seems that someone told me I miscarried but actually put her up for adoption. Like you wanted mom." Lena says sitting up straighter.

"Hey kiddos why don't y'all go in the kitchen please." I say softly and they all reluctantly do so except for Callie. We talk to her about Lena confronting her mother and said that if she wanted to stay in the room she could. That's part of the reason she sat next to me at dinner.

"What are you implying Lena?" Dana asks.

"Did you know? Did you lie to me and put Callie up for adoption when she was born?" Lena asks.

"I don't-"

"Don't lie mom." Lena says getting mad.

"Callie lets go in the kitchen." Stewart says and Callie agrees and they walk into the kitchen with others.

"Fine. I did. You were 18. You didn't know the first thing about being a parent and I knew you were going to drop out of college if you had her. I was doing what was best for you." Dana says and now Lena and I are both fuming. 

"I had plans in place. I had been planning for when she was born since I found out I was pregnant. I had people who were going to watch her while I was in class. I had a job on campus that would let me have her with me. I had plans. I knew what I was doing and you took all of that from me." Lena says standing up.


"Get out." Lena says  and I look at her. 

"What?" Dana asks.

"I said get out. I want you out of my house." Lena says almost shaking with anger. I've never seen her this mad but you mess with our kids and a new side of Lena comes out.

Dana storms out, telling us to tell Stewart that she went to the hotel. Lena stays where she is for a few moments until I say something.

"Lena love? Are you okay?" I ask softly resting my hand on her arm.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." She says and I can tell she's not. No one would be after something like that.

"No you're not. Lena please talk to me love." I say getting her to sit down.

"How could she do something like this? Everything Callie has been through could have been prevented." Lena says wrapping one arm around herself and using her other hand to rub her face.

"People do crazy things." Callie says from the doorway of the dining room.

"That's very true. Come here sweetheart." Lena says opening her arms up, gesturing for Callie to come sit with us.

"We love you Callie." We both say.

"And I'm so sorry that all of this happened." Lena says wrapping her arm around Callie.

"I love you guys too. And like you said. All of the stuff that happens to us make us who we are. If all of this hadn't happened I wouldn't be me." Callie says. This girl is wise beyond her years sometimes.

She gets it from Lena.

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