"They're beautiful," he whispered. 

Elena giggled. "Are they? I'll take your word for it. You're the expert here." She shivered from the cold air and huddled close to him. Without taking his eyes off the graphorns, Barnaby removed his cloak and handed it to her. 

"Thank you," she said, her voice regaining its touch of honey he was used to hearing. "Many Romanians wish there were no graphorns here. They are dangerous and they pose a risk of being discovered by the muggles. But I am happy they're here. My brother makes a lot of money selling their horns."

Barnaby shot her an icy look. "He obtains them legally, right?"

"Of course," she said with a wink. They both looked back at the graphorns. "It is thanks to an English Magizoologist like yourself there are any graphorns at all, I believe," she said. 

He grinned. "Newt Scamander. They were being hunted to extinction, mostly for the reasons you just said. They are dangerous. But Newt realized how terrible it would be if they were wiped out. He managed to get hold of  the last breeding pair in existence and keep them safe. Every graphorn alive today owes its life to him."

Elena smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. "So, they can be tamed?"

"In a sense," he said. "Most creatures, if shown the proper care and respect, will learn to trust and respect wizards as well."

"Could they be used for warfare?"

"What?" he asked in surprise. 

"Supposing the Dark Lord was able to procure a handful of these beasts. Would he be able to use them against the enemy?"

"Oh, I don't know," said Barnaby uncomfortably. The thought of using such majestic creatures as weapons made him feel slightly sick. "It probably wouldn't be worth the risk. They'd probably cause just as much damage to his people as the others. And it would be hard to keep them hidden."

"Hmm," said Elena. "What about dragons?"

He laughed. "He'd have the same problem, only multiplied a hundred times. Dragons are much more deadly, and they answer to no one."

"So, why are you here?" she asked. "What purpose are you serving for the cause?"

"The cause?"

She frowned up at him. "The rumors that the Dark Lord has returned have reached this part of the world," she said. "Is it true?"

Barnaby felt his throat tighten. "That's what Dumbledore says. He's never been wrong before."

"That's why you're here, is it not?" she said, sitting on her knees and facing him excitedly. "I assumed that's why you were here for the dragons. In preparation for when he rises to full power once more. But if they are as dangerous as you say..."

"No!" he said quickly. "That's not why I'm here at all." How had she figured it out? Was this what Sarah had been talking about? Had he accidentally revealed secret information without even needing to be captured by the Death Eaters?

Elena's eyes narrowed at him. "So, why are you here?"

"Just to help Charlie out." He could see her eyes scanning his face, wondering whether or not to believe him. 

"You can trust me, Barnaby," she said. "I'm sympathetic to your cause." She covered his hand with hers. It was icy cold. 

"I do trust you," he said. "I'm just not supposed to talk about it."

She smiled. "I understand. If he has forbidden you to speak about it, then you must keep silent. But please know that I and many others are ready to support the cause whenever and however we are needed." She gave his hand a squeeze. "You have allies here."

"Thank you," he said with a sigh of relief. He didn't quite understand everything she'd said, but he was glad this conversation seemed to be at an end. "Let's get out of here, it's freezing." Even with the cold, he would have happily gazed at the graphorns for hours, but it was now too dark to see properly. 

"Very well," she said. He stood up and helped her to her feet before they disapparated once more. They popped into existence on the edge of a village. 

"This is where I live," she said, gesturing to a cozy little house behind her. "Would you like to come in for a moment? Have a drink?"

"No thanks, I better get back," he said. His mood had dropped as quickly as the temperature after their conversation at the meadow. Sarah had been right. He couldn't be trusted to help her or the Order. He was just a stupid lump that blabbed top secret information without even knowing it. "But thanks for showing me around. It was really great."

"You're very welcome," she said. "Can you find your way back from here?"

He looked around. "Honestly, probably not." She giggled again. "Could you take me back to the pub? I know the way home from there."

"Of course." She held his arm. He assumed they were going to disapparate again, but she led him down the street, and they strolled amongst the little houses, beneath the stars that were just beginning to appear. "I had a lovely time tonight," she said. 

"Me too."

"You are a remarkable man, Barnaby Lee."

He felt his cheeks flush. "Not really," he said. "But thanks. You're nice, too."

It didn't take them long to reach the pub. They stopped in front of it. "Well, thanks again," he said. 

"We must do it again sometime," said Elena. She removed his cloak and handed it back to him. 

"Yeah, that'd be great," he said, thinking of the graphorns. 

He turned to go, but Elena had ahold of his arm again. He looked down at her, puzzled. She smiled, before reaching up on her tip-toes and kissing him. He froze, in utter shock. She finally released him after what could've only been a couple seconds but felt like three lifetimes. 

"Goodnight," she said, and walked back down the street before she turned a corner and was out of sight. 

At last, whatever freezing charm seemed to have been placed on him broke. He rubbed at his head, then trudged up the hill toward the sanctuary, somehow even more confused and upset than he'd been a few minutes before. 

The Unknown of the Order (Harry Potter: Hogwarts MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now