"Me and my brother have talked for a little while and figuring out your rank and we come to a conclusion."
Richie started

"Though your wolf says you're an Omega is not true. Some of the people can convince their wolves to say they're one drink when they're really another. And you have done this in your case. We respect your wishes not to tell us until you're ready."
Brandon stated

"So we decided to give you a rank we thinks suits the abilities that we have seen."
Richie said

"You shall be our Bata!"
Brandon said which sent a shocking response to everyone.

"Wait we haven't had a Bate since parents death. And now we have a Delta again but him. How do you know his original rank is even Delta. Or even close to it!!!"
David said sitting up from the Warriors area. Sitting next to Mario.

!Everyone's rank in the pack!

Alphas: Brandon and Richie

Betas: Lucas

Pups: Plant and Andless

Elders: Ms. P

Delta: Devin and Polly

Lead Warrior and Hunters: (one or both of the alphas all the)( lead Hunter doesn't always go out)

Warriors: David, Fuarn, Mario, Kit
(practically everyone can fight but these are just the main)

Hunters: Lara, Sleen, Tiffy, Blake
( practically anyone can hunt these are just the main ones they sent out on hunting Patrols)

Healers: (who have bear has healing capabilities) so Brandon and Lucas
( I believe are the only two)

Omegas: Inmo


"We know some of you may not like it. But sits with me and my brother agreed upon. And it makes the most sense. If he was able to defeat all of you and then fight me and leave me with a scar. I think he deserves to beta."
Brandon said showing his right side where his scar was. As his brother not as an agreement.

"And with that this meeting is adjourned!"
Richie said jumping down and running toward who knows where.

Everyone left except for Lucas and Brandon. Lucas started up to Brandon as he set up at the area him and his brother were sitting at.

"Do you think you can show me where the betas set I don't really know where they do?"
Lucas asked Brandon knotted walking down two are Lucas was.

"Come on I'll show you."
He said as he he brushes himself up against Lucas's side. This made Lucas plush slightly.

Lucas said following him.

~~A couple hours later~~~
(it's noon by the way in case you were curious)

~~Brandon's perspective~~

I was laying down in the training grounds. No one else is there today so I was alone. I heard someone pulling up behind me so I looked behind me. To see Lucas.

"Is there something you need Lucas?"
I asked turn my face to him but he walks in front of me so I don't have to.

"I want to apologize for my rude walking away last night! In the middle of a conversation, it brought back old memories I didn't know what to remember"
Lucas said I looked up at him with a soft smile.

"That's okay I understand I realized I hit a nerve after you walked off. And you don't have to tell me anything until you're ready or show me your eyes."
I say looking at him. It gives me a self smile back and says

"Well I at least wanted to show..."
He pauses tilts his head to the right, and opens his eyes. They were gorgeous. They look like the ocean with the end of the sky. That's when I realized why I said was different than the others. I push that thought to the side but, there's no denying it now. He was meant to be my mate. If I realize this now then you probably hasn't realized it yet.

"Your eyes already pretty you should keep them open more often."
I say which I can tell make him flustered.

"Okay but only around you no one else!"
He says still flustered. But I know I had an agreement. I wait for a of seconds since he's come down.

"I have a question have you found your mate yet?"
I asked tilting my head to the side slightly faking a curiosity.

"No.... you?"
Lucas asked

"Well no."
I said if he hasn't realized it would be best if I don't tell him and wait.

"Aren't you 25?"
He asked

"Well yes"
I respond

"Isn't your transformation at 26?"
He asked

"Well yes but only true Alphas and water wolves need to find their mate before they hit their changing age."
I explained

"I thought all Alphas had to be like that?"
Luca said

I respond

"Interesting....... anyway do you want to do some training tomorrow? I feel like I can learn some chicks from you and you probably learn some of mine as well."
He said excitedly

"I would love to! Meet you here tomorrow at noon"
I say standing up

He says running off towards.

"He's so cute."
I whisper to myself as I walk to my and my brother Den.

~~Lucas's prospective~~

I close my eyes again before anyone sees them open. Though his words still ring in my head. They make me blush again. But I was excited I get to train with him tomorrow! Though I don't know why I'm excited just to be alone with him.

1475 words


I have a question!
who do you think Lucas will not get along with (aka doesn't like him so purposely mean to him). In the guild/pack or in one of the others(being Le Carnival, Protectors, or Grimshade)

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