Chapter 11

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Y/N POV(You as a winter soldier)

The Winter Soldier and I walked over to a few guards and knocked them to the ground. We walk over and hide in a corner as two men walk by.

???:"Help me.Help" One of the men walked into the room and grab him by the collar. The other man walked by. The Soldier and I nod at each other. He launches himself at the man but misses, I take my shot at his face but miss and hit his arm but he throws me to the ground. The soldier grabs him by the jaw and throws him at the open pod. One of the men lurches into the fight and lands a punch to my face which barley hurts. Me and the soldier kick and punch the man out of the chamber. A punch from the soldier goes through the elevator door. The man blocks the next one but the power of his fist sends the man tumbling into the darkened elevator shaft. We walk down a corridor. We enter a common room and start taking out agents. Me and the soldier grab metal bars and knock out two guards. As I am about to kill one of the agents I feel a shock go through my body and I turn around to see a man in glasses with a strange glove. A flash of light blinds me temporarily. The soldier runs up to the man and throws a few punches. He aims his gun at the mans face, who covers the gun with his hand. The soldier fires but the bullet does not pierce his skin. He punches the man back into a table and helps me up.

A blond women runs up to us and kicks the soldier in the side.  While they fight a redhead runs up to me and pushes me away with her knee. She grabs my shoulder and wraps herself around me. She starts to elbow me in the head. I walk over to a table struggling to stay up. I grab her waist and slam her down onto a table putting my hand around her neck. With her legs still wrapped around my neck she grips my wrist attempting to push me off of her.

The Redhead(Nat):"You could at least recognize me" I looked over to see the Soldier smashing the blond haired women into a table which breaks and she falls on her back wincing in pain. the soldier walks up to me ready to kill the redhead but a man in black comes out of nowhere and kicks both of us away from her.

3rd POV

T'Challa fights you and Bucky getting a few punches in. You get a counter punch in, sending T'Challa to the ground. He quickly recovers as you and Buck run up some stairs. T'Challa leaps the levels and vaults the railing, landing in front of you and Bucky. T'Challa spin kicks and grabs Bucky's left arm, kicks you back, and tries to twist his arm. He looks worried as he realizes that its not going to work. As soon as you get up to fight back T'Challa throws Bucky back but keeps hold. They both slam into you, sending all of you tumbling down the stairs. Bucky helps you up. You continue fighting T'Challa until he sweeps his leg under both you and Bucky sending you both over a railing.

Y/N POV  (as a Winter Soldier)

Me and The Soldier ran up a few flights of stairs and reached the roof. We walk up to the helicopter and The Soldier pulls off the lock. He opens the door for me to get in and he follows, shutting the door behind him. A blond man runs out after us The Soldier grabs the controls and we rise into the air. The blond man leaps into the air grabbing the landing gear of the helicopter. The helicopter drags the man but he holds onto a railing. 

Y/N:"иди к нему" (go towards him) The Soldier nods and twists his hands to steer the helicopter towards the helipad. I watch the blond man leap out of the way. The helicopter finally stops twisting around. I look out the window on The Soldiers side to see the blond man standing up. He looks into the window and The Soldier's arm smashes through the window, grabbing his neck. The helicopter starts to slide off the helipad. The Soldier keeps his hand around the man's neck as we slide off the helipad into the river below. The impact knocks both me and The Soldier out cold.

____________________-Time skip-____________________


I woke up tied to a chair with Bucky sitting next to me. I looked up to see Sam standing there,  watching me.

Sam:"Hey Cap!" I looked over at Buck once again to see he had also woken up. His left arm stuck in a hydraulic press.


Steve:"Which Bucky am I talking to?"

Bucky:"Your mom's name was used to wear newspapers in your shoes" Bucky laughed.

Steve:"You can't read that in a museum" My dad looked at me with a concerned face.

Y/N:"Oh come on Capsicle! I'm not trying to kill you am I?" I said with a smirk.

Steve:"Welcome back" Steve smiled.

Sam:"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?"

Y/N:"What did we do?"


Bucky:"Oh, god, I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside our heads is still there. All he had to do was say the godd*mn words."

Steve:"Who was he?" 

Bucky:"I don't know"

Steve:"People are dead. The bombing, the setup. The doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you guys. I need you to do better than I don't know"

Y/N:"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where we were kept. He wanted to know exactly where"

Steve:"Why would he need to know that?" Buck looked over at me with a scared face.

Y/N:"Because we're not the only winter soldiers"


Word count-996

I know I know its a couple 100 words short but I thought it would be a good way to end this chapter.

Again sry for the late update School for me just went back to online and im kinda stressed

I'll try to keep updating

love yall❤️


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