Chapter 7

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I clutched the broom in my hand tighter as I looked up at the storming sky, my breath accelerating slightly but I managed to regain my composure.

I watched as Cedric and Oliver shook hands in the mind of the pitch. He flashed a gentle smile as his eyes flickered to mine for a minute which I returned as an awkward one.

The twins on either side of me nudged my shoulders making me squeeze between them. I sighed, "I hate you two."

I mounted my broom and took off to the sky. Within minutes in the match, the Gryffindor team had scored 30 points giving a sense of hope in every other teammate than me.

After almost 20 minutes the wind and rain were not at all bearable and I wanted the timeout really fast. With the luck on my side (hopefully, it stays longer), Madam Hooch's whistle sounded.

"I called for a time-out!" Wood roared at us as we landed on the pitch, "Come on, under here —"

He motioned at a large umbrella at the edge of the pitch.

The only thing I could do was pull my hair into a bun before Wood asked to go back to the pitch.

Heaving a deep breath, I looked around waiting to find the quaffle with someone but I suddenly felt something knock the edge of my broom. I turned my head in that direction, fast, to look at a pair of storming greys eyes.

I flailed my arm in question. He smiled sheepishly before mouthing something similar to "Sorry, love" and zooming up fast, leaving me flabbergasted.

Blinking twice I turned my attention back to the match at the right time as Angelica passed the quaffle to me and I caught it but froze as a chill ran down my spine.

I saw Harry free fall to the ground as I snapped my fingers to get my wand and do the levitation charm to keep him afloat but I had to let go when I found myself in trouble.

I had that horrible voice again, commanding the same words again as I heard on the train but this time I snapped out of the trance, "Excpecto patronum!" I yelled as a silver lioness shot out of my wand guarding me.

But what I missed was another Dementor behind me and within seconds I felt myself falling to the ground, my hair flying in correspondence to the wind, black spots dancing in the corner of my eyes as I clutched my broom even tighter before I passed out completely.

I woke to a few pairs of concerned eyes looking back at me and one pair of green eyes glaring at me. I smiled sheepishly at him as I tried to sit up.

"You idiot!" (BF/N) yelled in my ears, her eyes still having that motherly concern.

"Come on, (N/N) nothing happened to me right, I am alive."

She scoffed but said nothing.

"Harry?" I asked.

They pointed to a bed beside me where he was laying peacefully.

After a few questions and rambling and "filling you in"s (as if I didn't know what is happening), everyone except Remus and (BF/N) left allowing us to bask in an awkward silence.

"You casted a corporeal Patronus?" Remus whispered-yelled, careful enough to not let anyone hear.

I shrugged. "Yeah...I did"

He was still glaring at me. "You are explaining where you learned it to me after you get well"

I shook my head. "Read that book Moony, you will understand"

He sighed, got up and left the infirmary.

I let out a ragged breath and got comfortable on the infirmary bed and looked at my best friend.

A single tear slipped my eyes as I recalled that scene. She sighed as she climbed on the bed next to me.

"I hate this (N/N)" I whispered, a few more tears slipping from my eyes, "I would have rather stayed at home reading it than experiencing this. It's overwhelming,"

"I know, pride, I know. But you wouldn't be able to experience the other cool things, right?" She tried to console me.

"I dunno if this would make you any better but if it wasn't for Diggory the chances of you being in a worse state than a broken ankle is high." She said.

I stared at her trying to register the information that my ankle is broken, "What!?"

I leaned forward to feel my ankle. "Goodness!"

(BF/N) giggled. "That's what you get for scaring me,"

That's when the Weasley twins decided to give their entry. Their usual smirks widened as they saw me.

I narrowed my eyes at them. "What?"

They both turned to (BF/N), "You didn't tell her about what happened?"

"I just told her but she was more concerned about her ankle than curious about knowing what happened" she replied.

"OK, then, we are taking it in our hands-" George started

"Realising it as our responsibility to tell you-" Fred continued

"Let's begin!" they said in unison.

Pausing for dramatic effects, Fred started to speak, "You, (Y/N) (Y/L) were falling from the sky to the ground as if you were an angel falling from the heaven-"

"Diggory, not being able to see you - his love of the life - fall, he dived in his broom to catch you by the arm and hoist you on his own broom- "

"Flying back onto the pitch like a hero that he was (But slightly miss landing seeing your ankle is broken), he cradled you in his arms, crying for you to wake up-"

"But knowing you're not waking up, he carried you all the way - bridal style, might I add - to the infirmary. And still, then he was not able to leave your side."

By the end of their overdramatic, exaggerated story I was a blushing mess.

"Get out, both of you!" I yelled at them, my face still looking like a tomato. 

Her Universe, My Residence  (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora