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Ophelia's POV

I was woken up at about five am by (Y/N)'s thrashing next to me in bed. I quickly sat up and tried to help her out of whatever nightmare she was currently trapped in.

"(Y/N)! Wake up, it's ok. You're ok." I told her. Her eye shot open and she gasped loudly as she tried to escape my hold on her. I let go and she sat on the floor, hyperventilating.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked her.

"G-get Wanda." She said in between panicked breaths.

"Ok." I didn't want to leave her there, even if it was for less than a minute. I left the room and found my way to Wanda's room. I knocked loudly in her door until she opened it.

"Ophelia? What do you need? What time is it?" She asked me.

"It's (Y/N), she was having a nightmare and she asked me to get you." I told her. Wanda's eyes widened and she shoved past me to get to (Y/N)'s room. When I got back to her room, Wanda was crouched down on the ground next to her.

"It's ok, just breathe." She told (Y/N) before turning to me. "Get her some water." I rushed to the kitchen to get her some water and saw Vision walking into the kitchen.

"Ophelia? Is everything alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah, (Y/N) had a nightmare." I told him while filling up a tall glass with cold water.

"Would you like me to alert anyone?"

"No. Wanda has it under control." I didn't wait for him to say anything else before making my way back to (Y/N)'s room.

"Here." I handed Wanda the glass of water and she brought it to (Y/N)'s lips.

"Hey, (Y/N)" Wanda said softly "do you want to talk about it? It might help." (Y/N) nodded before calming herself so she could speak.

"S-so when I had accident, it t-took a while before they for us out. So, I was trapped in the car with my mom for a while. She was killed on impact and I was in excruciating pain, so I had to sit there for what seemed like hours, next to my mom's dead body. I used to always have the same nightmare, but now that I forgave Tony, it changed." She took a deep breath and a sip of water. "So the new nightmare is me reliving that moment except my mom looking at me with dead eyes, saying 'this is all your fault, you could have prevented this'. And the worst part is that she's right." She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "I was distracting her when we crashed. If she hadn't been distracted then she'd still be alive." I sat down next to her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"That's not true." I kissed the side of her head "it was not your fault. There was nothing that you could've done to change the outcome." I grabbed her face and made her look me in the eyes. "It wasn't your fault." I raised my eyebrows and she nodded weakly. We smiled at each other and I kissed her cheek.

(Y/N)'s POV

Ophelia left about an hour after my nightmare, I couldn't go back to sleep to I just sat up in bed and scrolled through social media on my phone. I noticed that Peter had shared some dumb post about the avengers to his story, he is not discreet at all, it's a miracle he hasn't been found out yet.

My day was pretty tame, I didn't tell anyone about the nightmare. I had training with Natasha and I worked with Bruce in the lab for a few hours. After I finished dinner, I went upstairs and got in bed.

After many attempts at falling asleep, I was almost ready to give up. I snuck down to the armory and grabbed a handgun and a silencer. I don't care if I have an awful headache tomorrow, I don't want to have another nightmare again. I made sure no one saw me and went back to my room.

I got in bed and brought the firearm up to the side of my head. I've done this so many times but I guess I still have a little voice in the back of my head saying "what if it works this time?" That makes me hesitate. I ignore the voice and take my shot.

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