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I woke up at about four am after another nightmare filled slumber, I decided to have breakfast in the common room. I brought down some toast and my laptop and settled down on one of the couches, Pietro sat next to me. I ate my toast while working on some of my online work, I had fallen behind since being kidnapped so I had to catch up. Every so often I would ask for advice from Pietro and he was rarely helpful, but he was good company.

After about two hours, I finally finished my work. I decided to FaceTime Ophelia and tell her about everything.

"Hey! How's the whole living with avengers thing?" She asked me.

"It's good, I don't really know anybody that well- except for Wanda, but that's because we live in the same floor and I'm like a messenger for Pietro." I smiled.

"Well I'm glad that you're not too lonely. Any word on whether or not I'm allowed to come over today?"

"Not yet. I think I'm the only person up." Right on cue, Steve walked into the common room with Bucky. Great. "Actually, never mind apparently I'm not the only person awake."

"Great, so you can ask!" I sighed and turned around to face Steve.

"Do you think Ophelia could come over? We haven't seen each other since my birthday and I take it I'm not allowed out." He thought before answering.

"I think it should be fine, but I'm not in charge, that would be Tony." I rolled my eyes

"Where is he?"

"I think he's in the lab."

I groaned before getting up and walking toward the lab. It took me a second to figure out where I was going but I finally found it. The doors slid open before me and I looked around, it was covered in technology from floor to ceiling. I peer further into the lab and spy Tony, hunched over a desk. I walk towards him and he stays in his position. It isn't until I am right next to him that he finally sees me, he practically falls out of his chair.

"Jesus! Don't sneak up on me like that!" He's still catching his breath.

"I didn't sneak up on you, you just didn't see me." I say

"Whatever, to what do I owe this visit?" He asks me.

"I was wondering if Ophelia is allowed to visit? I already asked Steve and he said yes but he told me to double check with you."


"My girlfriend, she was there on New Years."

"Ohhh, I'm not sure. Letting random people into the place where I live isn't really my style."

"Didn't you give your address out to terrorists?"

"Don't use my past actions against me."

"Whatever. Soooo..."

"So what?"

"Can she come over?"

He thought for a second until a devilish look appeared on his face. "Only if you do something for me." I rolled my eyes. "She can come over if you agree to join the avengers."

Are you kidding me?!

"That's not fair!" He just shrugs. "You can't just keep me here, cut off from the outside world!"

"Im fairly certain I can. FRIDAY, please make sure that (Y/N) is not to leave the premises until she accepts my offer."

"This is ridiculous, there's no way I'm joining." I started to walk out when he called out to me.

"That's fine by me, if you don't want to see grass ever again then be my guest." I froze and sighed loudly.

"Fine. I'll join, but don't think I'm going to enjoy it."

"Great! I look forward to it." I grumbled and walked out of the lab.

I texted Ophelia and told her the news. I told her to call Peter for a ride over. Well... more of a swing over. I was almost ready when FRIDAY told me that Ophelia was here. I'm never going to get used to that thing. I rushed down to the main entrance and saw Ophelia waiting outside. I opened the doors for her and led her up to my room. We sat on my bed and just talked, she told me about how the café is and how I'm definitely fired.  I told her about how I'm settling in to my new home, I miss my old home but I also like it here. It's nice.

After a few hours of laughing and talking, we just laid down next to one another. This is what I missed most, having her arms wrapped around me. I heard her steady breathing and realized she had fallen asleep. I felt myself start to drift off and I gave in. Within minutes, we were sleeping in each other's arms.

Tony's POV

After (Y/N) accepted my offer, I got working on her suit. I know that she doesn't really have any offensive powers other than that weird mind thing that she does, so I added repulsors to the palms of the suit. It was royal blue with silver detail, I made it tight and stretchy so it was aerodynamic and non restrictive. I was fighting the urge to add all these special features, but I didn't want to come too strong. I know that she can't die(as far as we know) and she can heal herself, but I still have this urge to protect her, to make sure nothing bad would ever happen to her again.

I finished the suit and looked at the clock I had hangs on the wall. Jesus, I hadn't realized how long I'd been down here. I also hadn't realized how hungry I was.

I walked up to (Y/N)'s room to so if they wanted anything to eat. I knocked lightly on her door and got no answer so I slowly opens the door and peered in. I looked over to the bed and saw her and Ophelia fast asleep in each others arms. I could see a faint smile on each of their faces. I smiled at how peaceful she looked, and walked out. On my way back downstairs, I ran into Wanda.

"Oh, hey." I greeted her.

"What are you doing?" She asked me.

"I was going to ask if they wanted any food but they're asleep."

"Then why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset." She cocked her head to the aside and raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm just mad at myself that I missed everything. And she looks so happy with Ophelia and I know that she still hates me." I looked at the floor.

"Give her time, she is still adjusting. She can't hate you forever and she won't."

"I hope you're right."

"I am."

"You sound like Natasha."

"Thank you, she's one smart woman." Wanda walked back into her room and I walked back to the lab.

I really hope she's right.

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