Pull the plug

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"What does the marking mean?"

"Luz...." Viney paused looking down at the marked skin on Luz's hand. "I-" Viney was cut off by yelling coming from the room off to the side where Amity and Emira went with the healer.

"What?! You can't be serious!" Emira's voice raised at the healer's words. "I'm only sixteen how am I supposed to choose if my brother dies?!"

"Ma'am I understand your confusion, but your parents have abandoned their responsibilities for this. We need an answer he may not be able to survive, so by pulling the plug now we won't risk the pain he could suffer later. You may see him in a few minutes, but please think about it for a bit." The healer finished speaking and left the two giving them a small nod before completely leaving the room.

"That! That-!" Amity quickly put a hand on Emira's shoulder trying to calm her down, although her own thoughts were the same.

"C-come on Em, we need to tell the others."

"I'm going to burn hi-"

"Em let's just go..." Amity dragged Emira back to their girls.

"Is Ed okay?" Luz spoke softly as she walked closer to Amity. In return Amity opened her mouth to speak, but shook her head turning her gaze away from everyone.

"Swear to the titan I'll murder that guy in his sleep..." Amity tugged on Emira's arm quickly whispering something into her ear. "Fine..." Emira sighed collecting her thoughts. "They want me to decide if....Edric dies..."

"His injuries are that bad?!" Luz's voice grew in concern.

"T-they don't know if he'll be able to get through recovery, and if he doesn't he'll just be suffering till then. By e-ending it now we'll save the pain...." Emira felt her eyes fill with tears as she looked at the ground.

"Aren't your parents in charge of that?" Viney went to Emira's side letting Amity go to Luz. "Don't tell they don't care enough to even be part of this?!" Emira wouldn't look at anyone or do anything. Signaling Amity to speak instead.

"They dropped all responsibilities for us, at least for now. They'll have to take us back eventually before the public finds out." Amity scoffed a disgusted look now on her face.

"You're kidding right?" Luz's words turned into a sound of plea. "Espero no conocer pronto a tus padres..." Amity carefully intertwined their hands making Luz flinch.

"Please don't let go...." Amity whispered softly. Hoping Luz heard her as she felt herself calm down at Luz's touch.

"I won't...should we head back to Willow's after we visit Ed?" Luz spoke just as quietly as Amity receiving a small nod from the nervous witch. The penetrating silence only broke after Edric's door opened. A healer stood in the doorway signaling that they could go in. "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be..." Amity murmured while they walked behind Emira and Viney. Looking at Edric he now had a cast around his neck that already had blood seeping through it.

"Ed! Are you okay?!" Emira swiftly went to Edric's side.

"Just a little beat up Kitty I'm alright." Edric giggled gritting his teeth at the pain.

"A little beat up?! Ed you've been attacked in a hospital no less!"

"Right...that's what happened." Edric spoke as he traced the lining of he cast. "I honestly don't remember much...."

"What do you remember?"

"I was trying to cast a spell to occupy myself then I felt some kind of liquid come from my neck.When I realized I was bleeding I must've passed out from how much blood I lost." Edric started dragging his finger around a specific spot on the cast. "I couldn't feel it with all the antibiotics they put me on."

"You didn't see Barckus?" Viney questioned if her guess was right.

"Umm...no? I did see the secret entrance open though!"

"If it wasn't Barckus who could it have been?"

"Maybe we shouldn't worry about that right now. We should just be excited Edric's okay." Luz chirped into their interrogation. Everyone agreed shifting the topic to a much lighter conversation. Hours speed by like seconds forcing a healer to retrieve them from Edric's room. As they left the hospital their tiredness really sunk in, especially for Amity. "Babe you're going to fall asleep. Maybe we should go with Em and Viney..."

"I'm fine...I can make it to Willow's...." Amity's balance shifted back and forth for a moment. Luz quickly wrapped her arm around Amity's waist without even thinking. "L-Luz!" Amity's face went red at the sudden contact.

"I just don't want you to fall o-okay? You're a lot more tired than you think let me help." Amity complied slowly resting her head on Luz's shoulder.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're too comfortable for your own good." Amity nuzzled into Luz's neck making sure to keep her balance.

"Just don't fall asleep I'm not gonna carry you."

"You did after Grudgby though...."

"Yeah but I was more awake. Right now I could pass out while walking if I let it."

"Fair enough." Amity chuckled as Willow's house came into view. "Hey seeing as were so close to Willow's why not just have them float me back."

"Or you could just walk there silly" Luz used her freehand to ruffle Amity's hair reviving a fit of laughter from the witch.

"Hey look up at Willow's bedroom" Luz shifted her gaze onto Willow's bedroom window. A faint silhouette of Willow and Boscha kissing could be seen. "Guess they're having fun. Edric would totally have gotten blackmail by now." Amity snickered at the thought of Willow's face if she saw them. The silhouette faded away from the window as the lighting dimmed.

"My, my, my what are they up too?" Amity smirked at Luz's teasing. The couple entered Willow's house which was pretty quiet. "Aww they must've saw us."

"Or were not close enough to them." Luz laughed while they made their way to the couch in the living room. A muffled squeal that almost sounded like Willow could be heard.

"We should let them do their thing. Best to make fun of them tomorrow." Amity hummed in response taking a seat. "Don't think you're taking the whole couch to yourself."

"Only to make you want it" Amity joked around with Luz as she grabbed a blanket and set it beside Amity.

"Well the only thing I want is you" Luz cheerfully responded to Amity forcing her face to turn red. Luz chuckled wrapping her arms around Amity laying down on top of her. "Other than wanting you I want sleep, and I believe this is the perfect way to get it." A grin formed on Amity's face as she floated the blanket over them both.

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