Final Moments

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(I feel like some people might not realize so just incase I wrote the beginning of this chapter from Amity's point of view when Kade started shooting at her and Emira.)

It was over right? It had to least that's what Amity thought as she saw Emira standing over her, struggling. Kade was shooting at the force field and all Amity had done was take a bullet, which was causing her to bleed out. Though she was in pain she found it easy to feel tired, and she didn't really feel the need to try to stay awake. For all she knew there was no point in trying anymore, so she fell asleep. Even though she would've preferred staying awake if she knew what her dreams had waiting for her.

"Ohhh Mittens~ Guess what–" Emira barged into Amity's room happily unaware of what Amity was doing, yet she immediately stopped once she witnessed her actions. As for Amity it took her a moment to realize she was reliving a memory in her dream. Instead of looking at Emira in fear, Amity stared at her wrist and the pocket knife in her other hand. "A-amity?"

"J-just go away..." Despite knowing how the scene played out Amity couldn't help her eyes from tearing up. "Please.." Emira stepped back out of the room to look to the side shaking her head, likely to signal Edric not to intrude. Nervously Emira closed the door to Amity's room before making her way towards Amity.

"Put the knife down, Amity." Amity's hands were shaking terribly as her hand hovered over the other, making just barely the beginnings of a deep cut in her wrist. Emira cautiously stood behind Amity, who was hunched over on the floor. "Please, don't make me take it from you forcefully." Amity lifted the knife away from her wrist, flinching slightly at the amount of blood. Amity shut her eyes and handed the knife to Emira.

"I'm sorry." Emira flipped the blade closed and slipped the knife into her pocket before crouching down to the floor.

"Don't be ridiculous, you don't need to apologize." Emira gently wrapped her arms around Amity pulling her close. As much as Emira wanted to break down and beg Amity to tell her what was wrong in a fit of tears, she stayed calm. She'd rather bite her tongue than make Amity feel more stressed than she likely already was. "All you need is someone to talk too, or a moment to collect your thoughts a-and..." Emira bit her lip shutting herself up. She couldn't break, not now. "And really think about what you're doing." Emira tightened her hold on Amity as she fought her emotional instinct to be stuck fully paralyzed in fear. Amity buried her head in Emira's embrace, knowing the tranquil feeling her dream was giving wouldn't last. Amity pushed herself off Emira and looked to the side expectantly. A small illusion of Edric appeared with a nervous look on his face.

"Hey dad said he wanted to talk to Mittens. He didn't look happy." The illusion disappeared and with that so did the calmness of the moment.

"Y-you should probably know how dad is." Emira nodded and left Amity's room, letting the real nightmare begin.


"It's an interesting feeling like this..." Luz sat next to Emira in Amity's room. She technically wasn't allowed outside of her own room, but Emira was able to persuade the hospital staff.

"What is?" Emira turned to look at Luz, who hadn't spoken since before she was stabbed till now. In fact Luz hadn't done much of anything till now, for all she's done from the moment she stepped into this room was blankly stare at Amity. Pondering every little thing she could.

"Seeing Amity. I just feel infuriated at her for trusting Kade...yet at the same time I'm just glad to know that she's alive." Luz sighed looking down at the tile flooring, the cold white room Amity was confined to. "But in the end I can't help but feel sad...I'm the one that started this from the moment I didn't tell Amity my plan, I got Edric killed, I'm the reason Willow's dad nearly died, I was so fucking arrogant I didn't realize I was pushing her over the edge, I'm the one to blame." Emira immediately felt panic, she recognized the tone of voice Luz had, for Amity used it often when confiding in her.

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