Chapter Twenty-One

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"Oh my gosh!"

I was jolted out of my sleep by the sound of Cecily's voice. I blinked a few times, clearing my vision from its exhaustion, and I glanced around and froze. I wasn't in my bedroom. I was in Will's. The events of the night before flooded my mind, and a million emotions that I was too tired to feel swept through me. I was alone in Will's bed, the bedsheets tangled from where he had been. I slowly sat up and faced a shocked looking Cecily.

"Oh. My. Gosh." She repeated once again, stunned. "Did you actually sleep in here with Will last night?"

I hesitated; how could I explain that Will had had a nightmare about something we had done three years ago that had left us scarred? I had no clue what to say and I scrambled for something.

"Uh yeah." I replied and then squeezed my eyes shut. "Please don't ask why. Just know that Will and I didn't do anything bad and I slept in here for a good reason."

I opened my eyes to see that Cecily still looked stunned and she seemed as if she wanted to interrogate me, but didn't. It had never been in her nature to pry into someone's business no matter how badly she wanted to know about it.

"Okay." Cecily said finally, but a worried expression overtook her face. "I've been wondering where you were all day and by chance I checked Will's room. It's a good thing I did because it's six o'clock in the evening and Rupert and Gabriel are going to be here in an hour so we can go to the bar."

"Six o'clock?" I gasped. "I slept that long?"

I didn't know why I felt so surprised though; I had finally fallen asleep at nine o'clock this morning. All night, I had been unable to sleep, having Will so close to me and I had studied him for hours. I didn't want to think too hard about why I had done that.

"Yes now get up and start getting ready." Cecily instructed.

She was about to leave but then she paused, turning back around to look at me. "Is something going on between you and Will? I know that you asked me to not ask you about it, but if there's something--"

"No!" I exclaimed hastily. "No, nothing's going on between us. You know that I've never liked him, Cecy."

A flicker of doubt crossed her face but then it was gone within a second. Cecily left and I hurried out of Will's bedroom after her, my mind spinning with how I was going to face him again. As I brushed my teeth and got ready to head to the bar -- which was probably a bad idea since I hadn't eaten anything all day -- I thanked my lucky stars that Will would not be there. I could barely even process that we had slept in the same bed and I especially did not want to process how it had made me feel. I ended up wearing high waisted jeans and a crop top and I straightened my hair.

By the time I was ready, Rupert and Gabriel had already arrived. A stab of guilt went through me at the sight of Rupert; I knew that it had been wrong of me to sleep in the same bed as Will and I knew that Rupert would be upset if he knew about it. Why was I putting my relationship with Rupert at risk for Will? Suddenly, the thought angered me. I made myself to shake it off when I reached Rupert.

"Hey, where have you been all day? I texted you." Rupert asked curiously as I approached him.

"I was sleeping." I replied. "I was super tired today."

He looked a bit puzzled. "It isn't like you to sleep so late like that."

It also isn't like me to sleep in the same bed as Will Herondale. "Yeah it was weird. I feel good now though."

Rupert shot me a wide smile and took my hand. The four of us then got into Gabriel's car and we all drove to the bar. I knew that drinking wouldn't be the best idea for me since I had literally eaten nothing all day, but I also knew that Cecily would want me to drink with her. I need to get my shit together, I told myself as we drove. I needed to start focusing on bettering myself and to stop getting tangled up in Will. If I thought about it, I had turned into a mess since I had moved back to London; I made a mental note to start being better. But that would start tomorrow when I had recovered from my hangover that was going to be caused tonight. Why am I like this, I thought to myself in defeat.

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