Chapter Twenty

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A whole month passed and Will was true to his word; he did not speak to me even once. He did not even so much as look at me. In class, Will would completely ignore me, and at home, he pretended as if I did not even live there. Although I was the one who had told him to never speak to me again, I couldn't deny that the fact that he had actually listened to me, bothered me. I hated how Will could just pretend as if I didn't exist, even though I knew that I had brought this upon myself.

In a weird and unexpected way, it felt odd not to be speaking to Will. Over the years, no matter how much we would fight, he and I would always still speak to each other. Even when we would have yelling matches with one another and even when we would push each other around on the football field, we would always still talk even if it meant still being rude to one another. Will had never ignored my presence, even if I had wanted him to, and now it felt -- wrong almost. For all of my life, I had been prepared to face his wrath and rude remarks and now that it was gone, some part of me felt gone as well. It seemed as if fighting with Will was apart of me.

But he was apart of me in a much deeper way though, wasn't he? Will was the person who I had experienced the most traumatic event of my life with. It pained me to admit this but it was true; Will was much more than just my enemy. Will, whether I liked it or not, was the person who understood me in a way no other person would or could. I knew that he had been correct that day when I had told him to never speak to me again; he knew me like no one else ever would. The thought unsettled me, but also lit up something within me, that I did not have a name for.

I tried not to think about our kiss but I never succeeded. Every night when I closed my eyes, I was back in that bathroom with Will and his lips were on mine. I didn't know what it meant and I didn't want to know.

"Tessa? Are you even listening?"

I snapped out of my deep thoughts at the sound of Cecily's voice. I was sat in a restaurant with her, Gabriel and Rupert. The four of us had all decided to go for dinner tonight, since it was Friday.

"Sorry, Cecy, what did you say?" I echoed.

"I said that you and Rupert should come with Gabriel and I to this bar, tomorrow night." Cecily chirped happily. "Jace is bringing his girlfriend too."

"Tessa and I will definitely be there." Rupert smiled down at me.

I returned his wide smile; Rupert had proved to be a good boyfriend. We went out quite a bit and sometimes he spent nights with me at mine and Cecily's house. I hadn't had sex with Rupert nor done anything close to it, and sometimes I wondered what always seemed to be holding me back. I liked Rupert, there was no denying that, but sometimes something felt as if it was missing. I had always wanted someone to complete me, and I hated to admit that sometimes it felt like Rupert didn't.

"Yeah that sounds fun." I replied and then I hesitated. "But is Will--"

"No, Will is not going to be there." Cecily told me before I could even get out the question.

"Thank God for that." Rupert spoke and then shot Cecily an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Cecily. I just hate the way he makes comments about Tessa and I."

I shifted uncomfortably as Cecily glanced over at me. I had never ended up telling Rupert about the fact that I had kissed Will and I never planned on it. Rupert was right though, I also hated the way Will made rude comments about our relationship. I never understood why he did it and annoyance ran through my veins at the thought. I never said anything about him and Tatiana, so why did he care so much about Rupert and I?

"It's alright." Cecily sighed. "I know how difficult Will is. He always has been since we were kids."

"You and Will used to fight so much." Gabriel looked at me then, amused. "Sometimes I used to think that you and him would just kill each other one day."

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