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Gracies POV

Really?! What vending machine doesn't have bottles of water? Especially in summer! I sighed frustrated as I came to terms with the fact that I would have to leave the beauty of the air-conditioning and walk to the store. I made may way back up the stairs and over to Jays desk,

"Jayyyyyy" I asked sweetly

"What?" He asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow in my direction,

"Can I please walk to the store? I'm thirsty and the vending machine doesn't have any water" I explained.

"Fine, but go straight there and come straight back" he instructed,

"I will" I replied honestly,

"Why are you still standing around?" He asked teasingly, I sighed,

"Can I please have some money?" I asked kindly as he smirked at me pulling out his wallet,

"I only have $10" he explained "I'm expecting change" he announced as I bounced down the stairs,

"I know" I shouted back. Ugh, heat. Don't get me wrong, I love the sun, but this? This is just ridiculous! I continued on my short walk to the shops, thinking about how I fully intend to lurk around the freezers for a while to cool down, when I felt a hand cover my mouth and someone drag me in to an alley. I attempted to scream but it wasn't any use. I thrashed around and bit the hand of the person who was holding me.

"Ow, you little bitch" he shouted as he punched me in the face. I screamed as I fell to the ground, already feeling the blood pouring from my cheek.

"Hey!" I heard a voice shout from the street. My attacker panicked and grabbed my bag making a quick run for it, not before he delivered a swift kick to my ribs causing me to momentarily gasp for air.

"Hey, are you ok?" My rescuer asked as he ran in the direction of my attacker but returned when he realised that he was long gone.

"Kelly" I said surprised looking up at the firefighter from my place on the ground,

"Gracie?" He questioned, crouching down in front of me "what the hell happened" he asked placing a hand on my shoulder,

"I don't know" I cried "I was just walking to the store when that guy grabbed me" I explained,

"I'll drive you to the hospital" he offered "do you think you can stand up?" He questioned. I nodded as I slowly stood up with some assistance, gasping as a shooting pain shot through my ribs. With some support from Kelly, he helped me in to his truck and drove me to the hospital.

"Oh my god" I exclaimed In panic "my phone was in that bag, my brothers are gonna go mental" I cried. Kelly smiled at me,

"Hey, it's not your fault" he comforted me "I'm sure they will just be happy that your ok." I sure hope he's right!

We arrived at the hospital and Kelly helped me out of his truck and guided me in to the ER. We where hardly through the door when someone noticed us,

"Gracie, what happened to you?" Natalie asked alarmed as she ushered us in to a cubicle,

"She got mugged" Kelly explained,

"Maggie can you page Dr Halstead and call Jay?" She asked as Maggie nodded giving me a concerned glance. "What hurts?" Nat asked as she began to examine me.

"My ribs are sore and my eye feels really swollen" I explained as I lied back on the bed. Just as I lied back an alarmed looking Will entered the room,

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