Sneaking Out

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Gracies POV (16 Years Old)

Crap. My eyes widened in horror when I picked my phone up and saw the time. My phone had been turned off and I had twelve missed calls from Jay, ten from Will and a whole bunch of angry texts. I and in so much trouble!

"Why didn't you tell me what time it was? My brothers are gonna kill me!" I exclaimed to James who was half asleep with his arm thrown lazily around my waist,

"I fell asleep" he attempted to defend and I grumbled. How the hell am I meant to get home at two in the morning?! My brothers don't even know I'm here! Double crap! I can't call Will because he'll murder me and I can't call Jay because he'll murder me and get away with it! I unlocked my phone and selected the next best thing I could think of,

"Gracie?" A groggy sounding Adam answered on the other end of the phone,

"Promise not to yell at me because I'm gonna get enough of that from my brothers and I really need your help right now" I rambled. There was a short pause before Adam spoke,

"I promise. Now what the hell's going on?" He asked confused and now fully alert,

"I can explain everything later but can you please come pick me up and bring me back to yours? I'll love you forever" I exclaimed and he sighed,

"Where are you?" He asked and I winced at the impending reaction,

"K Town" I mumbled. I could almost picture the look that was certain to be plastered across is face,

"Gracelyn Halstead do you have an-" he began to lecture,

"You promised not to yell" I reminded and he grumbled in displeasure,

"Send me your location and I'll be there in ten" he instructed "I'll text you when I'm outside. Do not come outside until then, clear?" He asked sternly and I nodded with a sigh,

"Thanks Adam" I replied before hanging up and instantly sending him my location.

"Is someone coming for you?" James asked still half asleep and uncaring. Dick.

"Yeah" I replied as I gathered my things together "'re not gonna tell anyone about this are you?" I asked concerned,

"We barley did anything. And anyway you're hardly anything to brag about sunshine" he replied. Ouch.

"You weren't complaining when you where practically begging me to come back to your crappy apartment" I replied,

"Listen kid" he sat up to give me his full attention "I was drunk and horny. Had I've been sober I would most certainly have been more picky" he smirked. I felt tears sting my eyes but blinked them away. I wasn't gonna give him the satisfaction. My phone vibrated indicating that I had a text and a message from Adam indicating that he was outside. I wordlessly grabbed my bag and walked out of his rundown apartment and down the stairs. I saw Adam waiting in his truck with a fairly unreadable expression written across his face.

"I am so sorry" I exclaimed as I climbed in to his truck and he began the drive back to his apartment,

"Just tell me what the hell is going on" he instructed. I began to explain how I had snuck off to a party and got a little too drunk before meeting this really cute guy who took me back to his apartment get the picture.

"You need to call your brothers" he told me once we had made it back to his place,

"Do I have to?" I whined "can't you do it?" I asked hopefully with the best puppy dog eyes I could muster,

"Absolutely not" he declined "now call them before Jay has the whole of CPD looking for you" he instructed. I reluctantly pulled out my phone and selected Wills number in a hope that he may be a little calmer than Jay,

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