𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘

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"we got into the same school!" i heard bella say to someone "so ur boyfriends going to la while ur going to ny?" jordan said "yes, long distance, its no biggie" i walked in and saw bella talking to mar "yo bella what school did u get into that the whole school has to know" jordan said "mar and i are going to the same school isnt that great!" she said "fucking wonderful!" i mumbled making jordan laugh "did u apply for any schools yet?" jordan asked "nyu, u?" "nyu" he said "omg if we both get in we can like sleep over in each others dorms and like talk about boys" he said with his girly voice "ew shut up ur so weird sometimes" i said "miss juliette and mr smith go see ur guidance counselor" ms jones said "what'd u do "miss juliette"" jordan asked me "bitch what did u do smith, u got a basic white boy name" i said

"so because i barley have anytime to tell u separately, and they are both very good news, u both got accepted to nyu and pace university" "wait...we both got accepted to both..." jordans slow ass said "no, u jordan got wait listed to nyu but accepted into pace university, and u miss juliette you got accepted into nyu!" she said excited "shit my moms finna be mad excited" jordan said "can i speak to u privately?" i asked her "of course, jordan thats ur kew" "miss its 42k and i dont have that type of money." i told her "because of ur school work and how ur doing in everything its only 21k" she said smiling, acting like i can still pay that "wow! thanks." "how am i gonna get 21k" i asked jordan "dont know, basketball payed for pace, good luck see u later" he said walking away

"babe this sounds crazy, but im gonna visit my grandparents" i told mar "didnt u cut off ur whole family" he said paying attention to his phone "yes, but i need 21k" i saw that he could careless about this conversation so i walked away "hey miss?" i said to the recipient lady "hey, i need to leave- its important" she rolled her eyes and gave me a pass to leave the school, i drove all the was to nj and hell was i nervous

"granny! grandpa!" i said walking into there big ass house "look at u! ur so big, a little thin but nothing my cookies cant fix" my grandma said "its just a short stop but granny i hate to ask for money- well im not asking u for it i just need help collecting it." "go on" "i got accepted into nyu- and its 21k" "carl, write her a check" my grandpa gave a me check for 21k soon after "granny- i said help- not the" "shh do u want the money or not" "yes thank u guys!" "mom!" a guy yelled by the sound of it, it was my father. "goodness- one minute!- threw the back" my grandma whispered to me

"mar! mar!" i said catching him before he left the school "whats up?" he said "my grandma! my tuitions payed!" i said making him hug me "i knew u could do it" i just laughed "mar this is great! im getting into an amazing school! and- and jordans gonna be in new york too!" i said and mar rolled his eyes "ur still hanging out with that mess" "mar." "im just saying" he said "want a ride?" he said changing the subject "no, thanks i drove" "love u" he said as he started his car "i got in!" i said to myself in the parking lot

"did u guys get into nyu?" i said as the girls got snacks, we decided to have a sleepover together "yes! my mom was super excited!" august said "im going to cali" ari said eating ice cream "aw were gonna be apart" august said "yo i might meet the president" ari said "girl bye" i said we heard knocks on my window "wtf is that" i said and saw the boys outside "looks like we have guests" i said as the girls looked at the window "yo! come down!" samy yelled "let us get ready dumbass" i yelled back closing the window

"samy where ru going?" ari said "cali, u big boy dante?" "cali with samy and ari" "damn everyones going to different places but me and my main girl august" i said bumping hips with her "yeah yeah, i know you'll miss me" ari said "who wouldnt miss u!" august said "why didnt we take my car" i said "cuz walked such a main character thing" samy said "okay mr side character" dante said "i might be a side character but ur the light director" "bitch at least i know how to direct shit" dante said making everyone burst out laughing "soon this is all gonna be gone, ima have no friends" mar said "you'll meet plenty of people babe" i said comforting him


"wheres my cap!!" ari said "found it!" august said "ur the only one whos not ready dior" they told me as i curl my hair "wait one minute- and done!" "okay august can u put my cap on" after a minute or two she finished "the boys are waiting" ari said "look whos ready!" samy said "u look beautiful" mar said kissing my cheek "thanks love" i said "ew anyways what song" samy asked "oo! see you again!" i said "that songs over played" mar said "so? its a beautiful fucking song" i said smiling "can i get a kiss and can you make it last forever" i said singing a long "girl shut up" ari said "were here" dante said as we looked at our high-school like it was the first day of freshman year

"august lively mondy" the person said we all clapped for our friend "ariana grace issac" ari did the little dance she said she would do way back junior year "samy chu ha" "dante (ion know his last name)" "mariano castano" i smiled and cheered, i was so proud of him. "dior saint juliette" i got up and looked at the rest of the seniors, last but not least it was "jordan ceaser toliver" he ran up to those stairs like he owned it which made me laugh

"we did it bitches!" samy yelled "that we did" august said "first off fuck u ms jones!" samy said "fuck u ms jones!" we all yelled out laughing "she needed to get a grip" august said "or a man" ari said "yo dior" jordan said "look at u do a little twirl" he said spinning me "okay okay! im proud of u, yo whenever we have breaks u better come see me" "and u better see me too dumbass" "see you again soon!" i said he went back to run to his soccer friends and i stood with mine, see you again.

𝐦𝐫.𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲; 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑜 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑜Where stories live. Discover now