hey roomie

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Y/n: I'm just going to pack my things and I'm going to come.

Gus: ok, I'll be waiting for you.

Well.. i had to go home with the time machine, grab some clothes and come back here. I took the time machine said 5 times the word "time" and puff here we are again, back to my basic boring life. As i was grabbing some clothes i heard the door opening from downstairs.

As i walked downstairs to see who was on the door, i saw my dad. He really had the balls to come back home after i saw him cheating on mom with his colleague.

Dad: hi love,did you miss me?
He said with a fake smile on his face.

Y/n: i can't believe you came here after what you did.

Dad: it wasn't what it looked like.

Y/n: really? So you're telling me i didn't see you fucking that bitch while mom was at work.

Dad: hey, don't ever talk to me like that do you understand?!!

Y/n: whatever just don't expect me to respect you after what you did.

Y/n's pov:
Who does he think he is? Why did he come back? I'm just so angry. I want to go back to peep.
*I ran up to my room,packed my stuff and left with the time machine.*

So how do i find gus now?

Suddenly i saw him with his girlfriend emma across the street. I shouted his name so he would notice me.

Y/s: GUS!!!
*i shouted and a big smile appeared on my face*

Gus:y/n, you came. I thought you wouldn't come to be honest. Anyway this is my girlfriend Emma.

Emma:nice to meet you y/n.

Y/n: nice to meet you too Emma.

Gus: so Emma y/n is going to live in my house, her mom kicked her out.

Emma:oh really that's nice! Gus can you come with me for a sec.

Gus: sure

Y/n's pov:
Why does she want to talk to him about that i can't hear? Is she mad that I'm going to stay at peep's house? Like wtf it's his house he can invite whoever he wants to.

Gus:what happened?

Emma:i don't want another girl living to your house. Where do you even know her?

Gus: why she's a really good girl,i owe her a lot. This is the least i can do.

Emma: you owe her? Why do you owe her?

Gus: hey listen to me,you don't have to worry about anything she's just a friend.

Emma:whatever, I'll have an eye on her.
*Emma and Gus go back to y/n*

Emma:so for how long are you going to stay?

Y/n: i don't know,it's up to Gus.

Gus: oh you can stay as long as you want. I don't have a problem.

Y/n:thank you so much.

Emma:i have to go. I told my friend that I'm going to meet her. It was nice meeting you y/n.

Y/n,Gus: bye.

Gus: so what do you think,do you want to go home?

Y/n: sure.
*we both went into Peep's car and he drove us home*

Gus:so here we are.

Y/n: that's a nice place you're living in.

Gus: it's ok. Let me show you your room, follow me.

I followed him inside. His house was so nice. I felt like i was home. He told me to follow him upstairs where my room was.

Gus: here we are. I hope you like it.

Y/n: i love it! Omg thank you.

Gus: i should thank you,you're the one who saved my life.

Y/n: you also saved mine.

Gus: y/n,can i tell you something?

Y/n: sure, what's wrong?

Gus: can you please not tell Emma about yesterday? I don't want her to worry about me and also she'll start asking me questions that i don't want to ask.

Y/n:ofcourse i won't tell her anything, don't worry.

*he hugs me*

Y/n's pov:
He smells so good,i could cuddle with him all day. Omg what am i saying he has a girlfriend. I don't have any chances with him. Do i have a crush on him? I mean ofcourse I have a crush on him,he's my celebrity crush. But is he just a celebrity crush for me? Omg i need help ASAP!!

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