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This fan fiction is inspired by the song, Heart, written and composed by IU and Kim Jehwi, and performed by IU. Jinwoo sang this song on one of Winner's past radio guesting. The author hopes to promote awareness on depression and other mental illnesses through the story of each characters (Winner members) inside this fan fiction.


It's alright if you don't know

Or if you don't find me

It's just that small light that won't go out

Is twinkling and living right here

It lives forever...

Every time Jinwoo listens to this song, he feels comfort and melancholy at the same time. Its lyrics and melody touch his heart and soul. And at the back of his mind, there's this thought that the song could be the door that connects his present life to his past.

It may be absurd but he wants to find the key to that door because maybe, that's the only way he can figure out the meaning behind his recurring dreams. Jinwoo thinks the key goes by a name, or a codename rather, and it's... Tokki.


Dara massaged her temples. She made it to the meeting on time and finally, after a long discussion, the investors agreed to her terms. She was on her way home when her secretary suddenly appeared in front of her, her face looking pale.

Dara remembered her brother, she asked her secretary to look after him in her place.

"Miss Dara..."

"How's my brother? Did everything go smoothly in the hospital?"

"Miss Dara, we've been trying to contact you."

Dara started to feel nervous. "Why? Did something happen?"

Her secretary nodded. "The... The ambulance got into an accident."

Dara's eyes widened. "Jinwoo, is he alright?"

"He was injured, but..."


"He woke up."

Dara didn't have to hear anything else, she run to the parking lot, to her car thinking how she should have not left Jinwoo. She should have made sure her brother got to the hospital safely before she went to her meeting. God, she didn't know what could be of her if she lost her one and only family left.


Relief flooded Dara's face as she found her brother. He was sitting on his hospital bed, he had a bandage around his head and a few wounds on his face, but he was awake. He was finally awake and that what mattered to Dara.

"Jinwoo-ya..." She enveloped her brother into a hug, not too tight so she won't hurt him.

Her brother didn't move at all. When Dara let him go, she met his questioning eyes.

"Jinwoo... How are you feeling? Hm?"

"Who are you?" her brother asked her in his hoarse voice. "Do you know me? I don't remember anything."

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