Kenma's PoV

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I'm writting this offline cause of the storm here -w- so itmight be bad okeh leeee goooo

'It was nice talking to shouyo' i thought to myself  'i havent eaten yet since i was leveling up good thing mom made me remember' i go downstairs to eat

"Hey kozu are you finally gonna eat?" She said while smilling "Yes mom" i smiled back 'her smile remind me of shouyo but his smile is way more bright and reminds me of the sun' i sat down the a chair and my mom gave me a plate full of food "mom... you know i cant eat this much" "i know but you need to eat more oh by the way" "hm?" I hummed while eating my food "tetsuroo says you have to come with him to the gym from now on" "W-WHAT?!?!" "easy you might choke on your food kozu" "but mom..." "well i agree with tetsuroo your getting thiner and if you dont i'll take away does games of yours" "ok ok just dont take away my games..." "allright that settles and its nice to take a break from your games time to time" "mhm..."

After he done eating 'w'

Can i go to my room now?" "Yes dont forget you start tomorrow" "yes mom" i go upstairs and was about to go get my psp when i heard a notification from my phone 'wonder who that is'


'Kuroo even at text he's loud ugh'

Gamer🎮: yes but only because she said she'll take away my games if i didnt


Gamer🎮:cause your dumb


Gamer🎮:what its the truth and stop using caps lock

Rooster🐓:ok But im still angry at chu


Rooster🐓:😝 i got to go dad wants me to do something

Gamer🎮: i still dont care

Rooster🐓:geez not even a bye?

Gamer🎮:nope not doing it


Gamer🎮:ugh fine bye

Rooster🐓:yey bai

Rooster🐓 is now offline

'Annoying kuro i should just play some games or level up...'

Hinata's PoV this is a dream btw

~I woke up to a warm and comforting smell  "hmm whats that smell?" I got out of my bed and  went to the source of the smell  "mom?..." i can feel tears forming in my eyes "i-is that r-really you?" "Yes sweetie come here and give me a big hug" she said while opening her arms u quickly ran into her arms and just standed there enjoying the moment... It felt so good to be in her arms again oh... how i missed this "onii-chan why are you here mom says you aren't supposed to be here because it wasn't your time yet!" "H-huh? What does she mean mom..." "sweetie... I'm so sorry i left you with that man...." "m-mom don't say y-your a-actually dead?" "I am dead sweetie I'm so sorry i left you" "its ok mom" "are you sure you don't seem fine" "hm?" "I'll be watching you up here" "wait if your dead and im not how can i talk to you right now?" "Your unconscious" "w-what?" "The cuts  that you made made you unconscious with the amount of blood lost..." "o-oh..." "sweetie pleas im begging you to stop cutting yourself..." "i will mom" "soooo who's  the lucky man~?" "M-MOM!" "hehehe seriously who is it?" "His name is kenma and he is the best boyfriend ever!" "OooOoOOh sounds like a nice man i look forward in seeing him here" "mom!..." "just joking welp looks like your gaining conscious time to say bye sweetie" "wish we can talk more mom..." "i know sweetie well bye now" "BAI ONII-CHAN!!!" "bai natsu bai mom..."~

"Ugh my head hurts" i looked at the window and remembered my loving mother and sister "i miss you two welp time to clean the house again...*sigh*"  

{After he done cleaning}

"I'm tired... *ding* hm? Wonder who that can be" i grabed my phone and went upstairs to my room

{Karasuno GC}

Dadchi👨:hey guys caoch ukai said he has a announcement to make tomorrow at practice dont be late

Roling thunda!:HAI

Boldie🌝:hai- wait who changed my name?!?!

Tsukishima👓: i did what are you gonna do about it?

Boldie🌝: this 😤

Boldie🌝 set tsukishima's name to saltyshima👓

Saltyshima👓: and that all you got?

Boldie🌝: why you

Boldie🌝 set saltyshima name to tsukki👓

Tsukki👓: ok change it back

Dadchi👨:cut it out you two

'I never thought it was this chaotic in the gc i never really open it' "*sigh* hm its really amusing tho its like a comedy video i should get something to eat so i can enjoy this maybe some popcorn"

Imma end it here guys sorry if there's any typos TvT aight  sayonara author-chan out✌

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