The couple understand him,but it's hard to make promises that they are not sure they can keep.

'We understand you Prem,but I can't promise you that he will not get hurt. If he don't stop and hurt any of my family,I will not stay still. So please,understand our side too. But I will try to prevent anyone getting hurt. Just do your best to convince him to stop and get treated. We will help you find the best doctor to help your friend.' Mew said and Prem nods in understanding.

'Thank you...I promise I will do my part. Just be careful' said Prem

'You too Prem..and thank you for coming here and telling all of this.'

After Gulf said that,they exchanged numbers but Prem saved it with different name. They bid goodbye.

They are back inside their bedroom. Cuddling,thinking about what happened.

🌻: hmm?
☀: you okay?
🌻: I can't fully say I am...

Mew hold him tighter and kiss his head.

🌻: I...I'm actually scared Boo~ I'm scared for our little ones...I don't...

☀: shhh...nothing bad will happen to our seeds and to you..I won't let it happen.

Gulf snuggled more to his husband's warmth. He really hope that nothing bad will happen. Not that long,Gulf fell asleep. Mew is just caressing Gulf's hair and kissing it from time to time. He has a lot in mind. He needs to make sure that no harm shall come to his wife and their seeds. He will kill  for them that's for sure.

'I will be strong for all of us. I promise you that Gulf. You and our seeds are my life.' With this thought,Mew fell asleep.

Morning @ Boun's

Boun woke up with a little headache. He decided to just stay at home. He went out of his room after freshen up.

'Prem???' He called for Prem but no one answer..he went to his guest room to check but still,no Prem.

'Where the hell is he? He didn't came back last night?' he asked himself. Sighing,he went to his kitchen to prepare breakfast. He thought maybe, Prem went out to buy something...

It's past lunch time but still,Prem is missing. He tried calling him but his call was rejected.

'Maybe he is still mad' he mumbled.

He took this alone time to think about his friend. He knew that Prem love him more than a friend or brother. He is not dense. It's just that his mind is telling him otherwise.. He is like a body with two souls living inside. Deep down his heart,he loves Prem more than what his mind is telling him. His head hurts and his heart clenched whenever he thought of losing Prem.

'Ah~ sstop!!! ...' he screamed in pain while clutching his head with his one hand,the other on his chest. Prem that time came and saw the state of Boun whimpering on the floor. He ran to him and tried to help him up.

'What happened Boun?!' Prem worriedly asked

'It hurts..P-Prem...make it sstop..pplease. Ahhck~' Prem is already in tears... 'I will help you,come on stand up...I'll take you to the hospital.' Prem said but was shocked when Boun pushed him hard. He look at Boun's eyes and what he saw is definitely not Boun.

' You ! stay away from us or I will kill your beloved friend.' he said

'Who..?' Prem asked trying to act brave

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