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Another week had passed and Gulf still receiving messages from the guy. He replied to that guy once to make it look more real. Because if he just ignore it,his stalker might get suspicious. He blocked the number and also changed his number. But still,this Spencer guy still gets his new number.

The very next day after their dinner with their friends, the couple talked to their parents about the matter. He learned that,it was actually their Daddy Forth who was behind the guy's disappearance. Forth knew what happened that time,that's why he took action. Their parents agreed to their plan and reminded them to be extra careful,especially now that Kana is pregnant. Since then, they never let Kana to be alone. They made sure that either one of them is with him. That irritates the guy.

'ugh! Why are you always with someone?! And always stays either your house or your office....' Spencer shouted in anger

'Watching you from afar is getting difficult...should I just be near you? So I can watch you closely and make you mine faster?...hmm I guess that's better 😈 ' he said talking to Gulf's pictures on his wall

'Be ready baby..for I am coming for you..' He said laughing like a maniac

It's been two days and Gulf stop receiving messages from Spencer. He should be happy but this made him more agitated.

'I think it's good that he stopped bothering you' Win said. They are inside Gulf's office.

' I know but...Isn't it weird that he suddenly went MIA?' Gulf said

'Come to think of it...you're right.. What if he is planning big this time?' Win said realizing the possibilities.. 'We should be more careful' he added.

'I'm hungry K3 (pouting) these midgets are always making me hungry.' Gulf said

'Alright..let go find sonething to eat.. And make sure to inform P'Mew.' Gulf smiled and hurriedly send a text to Mew.

They reached the cafe and chose the seats at the corner. They oredered and now waiting for the food to be serve. They are chatting random topics when someone approached their table.

Seeing who it was

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Seeing who it was...the two almost blew up their plan...luckily the waiter arrived with their foods. They got time to compose themselves... Thanking the waiter,they shared a look before turning to the other guy.

'Sorry about that but uhmm..who are you?' Gulf asked feigning ignorance.

'Yeah,do we know you?' Win added pointing himself and Gulf. The guy give them a toothy grin. He bought the act of the two.

'I knew you wouldn't recognize me...but it's okay...I'll help you remember ' Spencer said still grinning.

Gulf look at Win who shrugged..then asked the guy if he wanted to join their table,and he agreed. Deep inside,the two are nervous inside. He sit across from Gulf. And Gulf send a text to Mew that says 'call me asap'.. Not long after it was sent,Gulf's phone buzz. He answer it not leaving the table...he wanted to see the other's reaction.

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