Chapter Four: Picking Up Harry

Start from the beginning

Sirius glared at the thief. He did find it odd that he was here and not watching over Harry when they had been having their meeting. But he had thought that Harry had just been being watched over by another Order member since Dumbledore did not like Harry not being watched.

"I will deal with him later," Sirius angrily thought as he glared at him and Dumbledore.

"I was warned when Harry left the house again and went out looking for him," Figg continued. "I wandered around the neighborhood trying to figure out where Harry would go. I eventually found them, but I only got there in time to see Harry force the creatures away from himself and his cousin. I escorted them both home and then reported right to you."

"This never would have happened if Harry was with people that actually cared about him," Sirius growled.

"Not now, Sirius," Dumbledore shushed the fugitive.

"You should know headmaster, my position is now known," Fig says. "Harry knows I was assigned to watch over him by you. I would have tried to make up some other excuse, but there just wasn't any time and I was so shocked by what had just happened." 

The woman finished her report with a dejected look, she felt like she had failed, Harry was never supposed to know about her. That was what Dumbledore always told her. Harry was to be kept in the dark about her or he might try and get answers from her that he was not allowed to have.

"Thank you for the report, Arabella, I fully understand your actions," Dumbledore tells her. "As much as I might wish that your position was still secret it was more important to get Harry to safety. I will just have to make a few adjustments to account for this change. Now that everyone knows what has happened I can inform you that Cornelius has ordered Harry's expulsion." 

It was like there was an explosion in the kitchen as everyone started shouting. Dumbledore had to set off a few loud bangs with his wand to get everyone's attention. 

"I should not be surprised that even the government here is full of idiots," Olivia muttered, Kingsley trying not to laugh as he stood next to her.

"Thankfully I was able to get to the ministry quickly and remind them that they didn't actually have the ability to expel a student from Hogwarts," Dumbledore said. "Harry will instead be facing charges of underage magic, but I will handle it to ensure he isn't punished."

Sirius tried not to growl when he saw how everyone relaxed at this. These people really were fools. Didn't they understand just how that man was manipulating the situation? If the ministry followed the law then Harry wouldn't be punished, either way, he had every right to defend himself. Not to mention that there wasn't all that much he could do, over the last month Dumbledore had lost almost every position of power he had once held, all he had left was his position of headmaster.

"I will help him, Sirius," Olivia tells the jungle dog mage. "I may not have as much sway here as I do in Greece, but I know how to work around idiotic politicians."

"Good, because that is pretty much every member of the ministry," Sirius says to her.

"I am going to need a headache potion again, aren't I," she asked.

"You have no idea," Sirius responded.

Dumbledore was off on another topic by the time the two turned their attention back to the rest of the Order.

"Alastor, if you would please work up a plan to bring Harry here. I think it would be best if he stayed here for the rest of the summer," his eyes twinkled as almost everyone in the room started offering to be a part of the team to get Harry. Harry will probably want to spend a few more days with his family after this shock, so I would recommend you take a few days to plan. I figure 2 or 3 days will be enough for both you and him."

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