•1 asahi has a sister?!

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you were named azumane _____, the little 5 year old sister of the one and only azumane asahi. the best big brother you could ever ask for. he was caring and kind, soft and loving and no one could ever replace him. you've only been alive for 5 years sure, but asahi  has always been there.

•at school•

you were walking down the street to karasuno at ungodly hours of the morning. this morning your mother left you and your brother a note saying she left for a business trip with your father and they wouldn't be back for a month. this kind of this was normal around the azumane household.

"are we almost there? my legs are tired..." you complained to your half-awake brother.

"almost. do you want me to carry you the rest of the way there?" he responded, stopping with his arms out so you can jump into them for the convenience of being carried by your teddy bear of a brother. you simply nodded your head and hopped into his arms before he lifted you off the ground into his embrace. your head was on his shoulder and your little arms were wrapped around his neck. (ugh so cute🥺reader, nice going you killed author...) being 5 you weren't very heavy and with him being a volleyball player, you were basically weightless to him.

"_____, we're here." asahi spoke, slightly pinching the side of your cheek. you stirred a bit, but with no signs of waking up, he kept you in his arms and walked over to his volleyball team.

"EH???" hinata shouted.
"shut up, dumbass!" kageyama exclaimed while smacking the back of hinata's head. while that was happening, daichi and suga waved over to you and your brother. unbeknownst to the rest of the team that you were there, they stopped and stared at your small, sleeping figure in azumane's arms.

"asahi-senpai has a sister?!" hinata questioned. you stirred a small amount more now.
"good going hinata. you woke her up," nishinoya said while rolling his eyes. "she gets in a mood when she doesn't get enough sleep, trust me..." noya shivered at the memory.

•noya's memories•

'_____!' noya exclaimed.
'shh! you'll wake her! she needs to always be woken silently or she goes bezerk...' asahi explained. but before noya could move away from you, you had clung onto his arm and would not let go for damned dear life. usually if you got like this, your brother would be your victim, but noya had to do for today.

'forgive me, noya.' asahi silently prayed.

before noya could pry you off of his arm, you bit him. you friggin bit him. the kind-hearted teddy bears sister BIT SOMEONE. and i'd be damned if i didn't say noya didn't shed a single tear. it was actually multiple. he was not crying of pain but of joy. you aren't going to be a carbon copy of asahi. thank god.

•back to present•

tanaka, asahi, daichi and suga all laughed at the memory of you biting noya but...

"n-n-n-noya-senpai was bitten?!" hinata stammered. noya almost fainted at the word 'senpai' again.
"and to answer your question from earlier, hinata, yes, i do have a sister. for you who don't know, this is _____, my little sister." the older azumane said. by now, with all the talking, you stirred enough to be fully awoken. you stretched your tiny arms and looked at azumane in pure wonder like you'd never seen him before. he knew exactly what you wanted. he slowly put you down and you walked over to the one and only salt bïtčh himself. tsukishima kei. you tugged on his hand, which was hanging by his side, he seemed completely oblivious to your presence that your tugging had made him jump in the slightest.

"oh hello there little one." yamaguchi was the first to speak. everyone watched as tsukishima looked down at you and crouched to be at your height.
"what's your name, tiny?" tsukishima asked.
"_____!" you said proudly. you moved a little closer to tsukishima because you, for some reason, felt okay with him.
"nice to meet you, _____. i'm tsukishima kei, and that's yamaguchi tadashi." he said while pointing at yamaguchi. everyone, including asahi, ukai and takeda were very surprised at tsukishima's actions towards you. he wasn't the salty bastard they all knew. he looked, sweeter, to say the least.

     you made small grabby hands at him, showing you wanted to get picked up. he complied and picked you up and you sat on his side with his hand supporting your very small back and your arms around his neck. by now, everyone's mouths were hanging open, basically touching the ground. no one, and i mean no one expected the one who you chose to like almost as much as your brother would be tsukishima. they thought maybe you'd stay alongside the third years or maybe even noya. but no. you chose tsukishima.

      out of everyone. you chose him.

"why is everyone looking at us?" tsukishima whispered to you. you shrugged your shoulders in response. "do you have something to say?" tsukishima said to everyone, thinking they had to say something. when hinata was about to say something coach ukai cleared his throat from behind the third years, causing hinata to shriek instead.

"the bus is here," ukai said. "get on before i leave you behind."

everyone made there way onto the bus and you, still with tsukishima, started to get tired again because of the early morning hours. you rested you tiny head on tsukishima's shoulder and he was slightly surprised at your action, to trust him enough to sleep on him, but he complied yet again.

"aww, tsukki that's so cute!" yamaguchi was in awe at what was happening. they sat down near the middle of the bus with you now completely asleep.

"stop with the 'tsukki' for the last time." tsukishima spat.

"gomen, tsukki!" yamaguchi laughed.

"hey, tsukishima, you best be careful with _____ or i'll make sure you regret it." suga said. i don't think anyone, not even the third years have seen him like that but he was serious about you. you felt family to him. hence the nickname 'sugamama' which sometimes you called him by.

"i will, don't worry." tsukishima rolled his eyes but patted you on the back gently. most people were falling asleep again due to it being ungodly hours of the morning. 'why am i being like this all of a sudden?! especially to a child???' tsukishima thought to himself before exhaling the breath he was holding.

meanwhile when this was happening, asahi was freaking out a bit over the fact you chose tsukishima fukin' kei over him. he didn't mind but we was confused. 'maybe i should get some rest before the camp.' he thought to himself before closing his eyes and slipping into a light slumber.

before anyone knew, you'd arrived at shiritorizawa for the training camp. itachiyama, nekoma, aoba josai and obviously, shiritorizawa were already there and karasuno was the last to arrive.

"wake up, _____, were here."

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