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Filthy animals.. I frowned looking at the dead bodys, but one was still moving..

P-please have m-mercy! The man begged, I-I have a family! He said with tears running down his face. I smirked. Ahh~ your one of those types of beggers huh? The mans eyes widened with is eyebrows furrowed. WHAT?! he shouted gritting his teeth. W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN "THOSE TYPES OF BEGGERS"!?  he said ranting about how he really did have a family and needed to bring them food. I rolled my eyes pointing the revolver at the mans head. Have any last words? Yeah.. Rot.....in......hell! I almost pulled the trigger until a voice interrupted. Can I eat him actually? Really? Right now? I groaned. Yes unless you want me to feast on your organs. Ugh fine I "release" you . The man looked at me with wide eyes than turned back into scared ones as he was the black monster figure appear in front of him. Don't worry this will only probably hurt a lot. He said as he grabbed him and up to his face and are him whole with blood against the walls and floor. Did you really have to make it dramatic? I said throwing my eyebrows. Why not? Its funny seeing them afraid and terrified it's like a child just woke up seeing the world end with the nazis taking over the world! He said laughing. Yeah.. This isn't ww2. And no more history shows and channels I said with a sweat drop. Okay! okay! I looked at him with a serious expression. Wait your serious? Ugh just hurry up and dispose of the body's in that stomach of yours! Fine fine I'll hurry! He said as he started picking up the body's and eating the dead bodys. As he finished he climbed back inside of me. Is there anyway for you to not come in and out of me? I sighed. Yes there is but we'll do that tomorrow I'm kinda sleepy. Okay than let's get to our apartment and wash this blood off of us. I said rubbing my eyes walking to our "apartment" building


Y/n: venom can you tell me where all the red coloring food dye?

Venom:what red food dye?

Y/n:venom I can clearly see that your drinking the red food dye.

Venom: what no! This is....blood!

Y/n:yeah who's blood?

Venom:uhhh...all mights?

Y/n:yeah nice try your busted.

Venom:you've been watching too much phineas and ferb.

Y/n:.....ah look I'm so fat! I think I'll need to put on a diet ~

Venom:y/n please..no..

Y/n:y/n please yes

Venom:I'll eat your organs

Y/n:yeah good luck finding a new puppet then

Venom:Fine I'll shut up please don't put on a diet your skinny asf (your skinny in this story and SHUT UP IF YOU THINK YOUR FAT!) Plus you'll starve us both.

Y/n:good boy(I guess?)

Venom:so do I get a treat for this?

Y/n:Fine we'll raid the candy store and Rob the chocolate.


A n i m a l s      (Bnha x Venom Fem! reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora