Ash mentally groaned. He knew Serena well enough to know that once she decided on something it was pretty hard to talk her out of it. Suddenly though Ash had a devilish thought enter his head. He knew how to end this conversation really quick.

"We can share the bed if it's that serious. It is pretty big." Ash stated in the calmest voice he could muster. Of course he would be beyond embarrassed to actually share a bed with Serena, but he knew she would as well. Hell she would probably freak out call him a pervert and make him sleep on the couch after this suggestion. Well that was what Ash hoped.

The brief silence that followed Ash's comment brought a smile to Ash's face. He had won this battle. He was mentally holding up a victory sign in his head as he watched a blush come to Serena face. The girl also was avoiding his eyes now. That told him all he needed to know, there was no way she would continue this debate, Serena was far to sh-


Ash's thoughts came to a screeching halt. He couldn't have heard her right. "Excuse me?" Ash questioned finding extremely hard to keep his voice steady.

"I don't mind..." Serena's voice was quiet and Ash almost couldn't hear it, but without a doubt Serena was actually agreeing to his crazy idea.

Ash was almost positive that he was losing his mind. There was no way Serena was agreeing to sleep in the same bed as him. That was impossible.

"We're just sleeping alright! Don't get any crazy ideas!" Serena almost shouted. Ash's lack of a response was just making the situation even more embarrassing for her. Deep down she knew Ash wasn't suggesting anything inappropriate, but for some reason she still felt the need to say it just to cure her own uneasiness about the situation.

A deep blush came to Ash's face as he looked at Serena. "O-o-obviously!" Ash managed to sputter out still finding it hard to formulate a proper sentence.

Ash didn't even know why he was still going along with this. He should just tell Serena he was kidding, but now it almost felt like he had no choice in the matter. If he told Serena he was just playing there was no doubt in his mind he would look like an asshole especially when it looked like Serena was so embarrassed, but still was saying yes because she didn't want to be a hindrance to him.

This was going to be an interesting night.

With May

"What do you mean a back up plan?" May questioned. She couldn't help, but feel a bit relieved that Giovanni wasn't going to just give up on her.

Giovanni uncrossed his hands and for the first time since May had entered the room stood up. "You don't become as successful as me without planning for contingencies. While I am disappointed that you don't wish to go with option A, option B still holds some promise."

A trace of a smile could be seen on May's face. Giovanni wasn't nearly as horrible as she had heard. There were rumors about how ruthless he was as a business man, but then again May could only assume he didn't show that side to her because he wanted to work with her.

"Option B doesn't involve Ash right?" May asked praying that it didn't. She really didn't want to do this piggybacking off of her relationship..or lack of one with Ash.

Giovanni signed. He really did hate teenagers. "In a way it does, but it doesn't rely on him as much as option A did. With option B you will still be writing a song about the boy, but instead of throwing him under the bus you are just going to write what your heart feels.

AshxMay Love&Basketball (VerifiedBreeze)Where stories live. Discover now