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Update Sora Simmons is Griffyn 

Update Sora Simmons is Griffyn 

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Ignorant- Chapter 5

Phoenix P.O.V

I was expecting that everything would change drastically after the party. But with Griffyn having to pick up the slack that my brother left, the opportunity to discuss our situationship was nearly impossible.

Not that I was trying to rush anything in the first place. I just simply didn't like being a fish flopping on land. I needed the ocean for direction and clarity, and Griffyn was my ocean. So although I was desperately flopping to get back to him, I was also okay with the land right now. Unsurprisingly Monday came full swing but Jessye wasn't in any classes so my scolding or cold shoulder melted with no one to give it to. At lunch I found myself glancing around for his presence to no avail.

"Looking for your boo?" Megyn asks while plopping down with her tray of lunch. They were serving nachos today but my stomach churned when I smelled the dish. School food had good days but normally the bad days overtook the goodness I saw in it.

I shook my head no, it was like her to bring up boys when none were in sight. Denny, Kai, and Rayiah joined us and sat in their normal seats. "Hey Kai, how is Griffyn?" I ask out of curiosity. Kai was on the football and basketball team with my brother and Griffyn so if anything he should have had the rundown. 

"Seems fine to me." He says chips filling his mouth. I roll my eyes, food was obviously his focus right now. Rayiah is typing on her phone her head bent down, not reacting or jabbing like normal, in our conversations. Denny takes notice of her lack of presence and peers over her shoulder, her dark curly hair inches from Rayiah's shoulder blade. 

"Who is Alex?" She asks while taking a bite of her chip, and settling back in her seat. She ate delicately a complete contrast to Kai's Tasmania devil eating habits. Rayiah's head snaps up quickly while locking her phone. She glares at Denny and she shrugs not caring whatsoever.

"Anything you care to share?" Megyn asks her as she shifts uncomfortably. She licks her lips her eyes leaving Denny to meet Megyn's.

"I think." I start, locking eyes with Rayiah, "that she'll share when she wants to. Denny, stop being nosy." Rayiah smiles at me and I nod my head in acknowledgment. I hated when people dived into another person's business for entertainment. 

I stand up from the table and stretch, "I'm going to head to class early." I state not lingering a second longer to hear anyone's inquiries. I saunter down the hall my black backpack hugging one of my shoulders. My red skirt kissed my knees and my black leather jacket made a clicking noise as my bag hit it. I had dressed up a tad more than I normally would in hopes of grabbing someone's attention. As I trail down the hall a new poster sticks out from the old ones. I walk over to it, it was a white poster that had two arms conjoined by pinkies with ASL CLUB written across it. This was the first time I was seeing it. Below were lines as to where to meet and a section to write my name to sign up and I quickly scribble my name unto the last slot.

This could positively impact my college resume and could give me more time from home.

I breathe as I print my name on the paper. The ink gliding smoothly unto it. After doing so I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and standing behind me stood Griffyn, his curly hair lazily sat on top of his head while his jeans hugged his body and his letterman jacket hung loosely on his athletic physique. 

"Hey, you." He says his voice a whisper in the already quiet halls. 

I smile at him, "hey." his arms wrap around my body as he pulls me towards him and I breathe him in, trying to reassure my heart from beating so quickly. His height toward over me a good three inches as I peered into his icy blue eyes. "I missed you." He says his voice heavy and I immediately shift. 

I smirk at him a sudden burst of confidence overtaking my body, "Oh yeah? " I ask, my lips stretch into a mischievous grin. "Show me how much." He smirks at me before lightly pushing me into the lockers and gathering my lips between his. The kiss is warm and makes my body feel as though I'm on fire all over. Like his lips are the spark igniting each flame. He was like the sun and I was a hungry plant waiting for nourishment. He pulls away from me and I feel a stab in my heart as my belly does a flip. 

He smiles at me, "did that say enough?" He asks biting his lip as he takes in my appearance.

I nod like a star-struck teenager, which I technically was, and caress his knuckles. "can I come over tonight? I'd love to check in on your family especially your ma." He says rubbing my back and I sink into his touch like it's quicksand. What was this man doing to me?

I  nod, of course, he was always welcomed over especially because of the relationship he and my brother had. He was already basically family, but I found it even more endearing seeing as though he wanted to check on another set of people he was unrelated to. I put my hand in his, "walk me to class?" I ask already knowing the answer. He nods giving me one last peck before grabbing my backpack and heading down the hall.



Love you guys 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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