Chapter 1

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"Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?"

-Night Changes, One Direction


I wake up to sunlight streaming into my room, and I lift my head in confusion, with a killer headache. I check my phone, hoping for some remembrance. My YouTube comments had blown up with my last video, and as I saw some of the comments I remembered why I was here, in San Diego. I open the blinds, taking in the swaying palm trees and gentle winds that is California.

"Hi, my name is Brigid, I was wondering about the listing on 375...oh, already sold? Ok. Thanks. Have a nice day." I say into my cellphone, running my hands through my hair in frustration.

"Dammit," I growl, feeling overwhelmed. How the fuck am I supposed to do this? When Isis and I bought a house, we knew the neighborhood and everything just fit.


I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

"Ashley." I say into my cell phone, once I hear her voice chirp hello.

"What, Brigid?" She asks coolly, and I cringe.

"Is this a bad time?" I ask, fiddling with the fabric of my shirt.

"Talking to you is always a bad time, Brigid. Just spit it out."


"Well, I'm...I'm kind of homeless...?" I say, my voice rising at the end of the statement.

"I'm your manager Brigid. You're sure as hell not sleeping here."

"I know, I know. Do you have any connections, anybody I could live with?" I plead.

"Where are you?" She says, sighing into the phone.

"I'm at the Sheraton in San Diego." I say excitedly, throwing my stuff into my backpack.

"Brigid! You're not homeless, you're at a fucking four-star hotel! Don't call me again. Oh, and to find a home, there's this amazing thing called a newspaper. Flip to the homes section. Stop being such a little bitch." She says, hanging up.

Alrighty then. That didn't go that well.

I flip through the local newspaper in the hotel lobby, looking for the section with the houses. I finally find one, a decent looking condo, and the girl renting it was looking for a roommate. I quickly dialed her number, and talked to her excitedly as I ran out of the room, running to my car to look at the condo and try to convince her to pick me as a roommate.


I race out of my car, stretching my legs from the hour and a half long drive. I guess I should have realized that I was reading the L.A. Times, and not the local San Diego newspaper.


I walk to the front of the condo, noting the miniature palm trees surrounding the property. Although it was much smaller than the house I shared with Isis, it would be easy to live with another person here. I knock on the mahogany door, trying to not bang on it.

"Hi! You are...?" A petite blond asks me, tucking a short strand of hair behing her ear.

"I'm Brigid," I say, awkwardly shaking her hand.

"Are you...are you the YouTuber?" She asks me excitedly.

"Yeah," I say, smiling, "I'm Brigid Sheridan."

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