Date Night....

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"Matts Pov"
Dude Stop Fucking pacing the floor! Taylor yells Harshly.
I pretended to fake cry. I grabbed My Magcon hoodie And
Texted Danielle. To:DannieBoo From:MattSexy;)
I'll be there soon Princess ;). I smirked and I didn't get a reply.
I shrugged it off and Started Driving To My Princesses House.
She Will Be Perfection Like always. And she's Never A Name but Danielle.
I Love You Danielle!!!!
"Danielle's Pov"
I got ready And I heard A knock.
Damn...He's on time. As soon as I opened the door he gave me roses and Instantly pulled me into a Hug!
He's too....Much ;). Matt I love you I said Forcing out the words Hoping that I wouldn't stutter.
And I didn't!!! He smiled before kissing me and Things Were amazing between us.
Nash actually Broke up with Ashley and Started talking to me.... Finally!
I ❤️ Nash. Nash is A amazing brother At times!
Our date went as planned until A girl Named Sarah Walked up and Said "Last night was Fun"....
I ran out with tears streaming down my eyes And He chased after me.
Dannie Let me Explain! He yelled Sorrow In his eyes. What The fuck Matt?! You go out and Hook up with some hoe and
Then Think You can get me?! I'm not a Hoe,Slut,Or whore,So fuck Off bye Matt We're Threw! I yell Lud enough for Sarah To hear and She smirked. Later on when I got home I seen a Tweet "Your amazing In my eyes,Beauty and Love But Sadly "Mattel" Is over Guys 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔. I Didn't tweet anything because I could Care Fucking Less!!!!
UGH He's a Asshole. Why Matt?! Why?!!!

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