Chapter 1 : Emergency Situation

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Third Person POV-

Caroline rolls over with a groan because the person calling her like a made man is interrupting her well earned rest. She stretches out her arm grasping at her iPhone, hitting the bright green bottom ready to give this unknown person a piece of her mind when she is met with wailing sounds from a baby and a woman trying to calm the baby.

"Umm can I help you?" Caroline asks really confused as to who this woman is she doesn't know anyone with a baby.

"Yes I know you don't know me Caroline but I need you to come to New Orleans immediately, please I'm begging you." The woman pleads.

"I'm going to need a little more to go on, like why do you need me so desperately? And also like who are you?"
Caroline asks as she sits up in bed and runs her hand through her hair.

The woman sighs tiredly "My name is Davina, I'm a witch. I can't tell you everything over the phone but it involves the Mikaelsons. I had a Premonition of the future and I am supposed to contact Caroline Forbes to give you the task at hand. So please come to New Orleans I really need your help." Davina explains rather vaguely and makes a last plea for Caroline to come to NOLA.

Caroline can hear how stressed Davina is and knowing the Mikaelsons it is probably very important to have to reach out to her. She goes back and forth over the pros and cons in her head (one of the biggest pros is of course seeing Klaus again she has missed him since he left) with that....Caroline gets up and starts packing a small bag with the necessities and leaves a note for her mom explaining what little information she has.

"Okay where do you want me to meet you?" Caroline asks as she puts her things in her car and then sits in the driver's seat.

"I'll text a safe place to meet at, call back at this number when you arrive." With that Davina hangs up and true to her word texts Caroline a address.

Caroline shoves all of her raging thoughts and questions out of her mind and focuses on one thing driving to the address hoping this isn't a trap.

~After 12 hours of breaking all the traffic laws and one blood bank stop~

Caroline finally made it to NOLA unharmed Caroline finally gets to the address Davina had given her—it leads her to an apartment building on the other side of the city, and she has to park a bit away and then walks up many staircases and it is just a mess—she is irritable and exhausted. It is time for some answers. Knocking on the door, she is shocked by the sight of the person who answered. "Are you alright?" Caroline asks, more than a bit disturbed. The woman who opens the door is covered in blood, it smells like it is a few hours old.

The woman rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's been hectic and I haven't had time to change yet." She starts walking off, before looking back at the young woman stuck on the threshold. "Oh, you can come in, by the way!"

"Thanks." Caroline glances around. Clearly this woman knows the vampire protocol. "I'm Caroline, by the way. You're Davina, right?"

"I'm Davina." A voice calls from another room. A petite brunette in a pretty dress floats into the room, holding a baby of all things. "I'm sorry I called at such a weird time, but it really was an emergency."

"About that..." Caroline follows the other two women back to where Davina had come from. "Why am I here? I mean, I'm not entirely sure why I even came in the first place, but like the Mikaelsons are sort of my friends if you can call it that, and you know, if they die that doesn't bode very well for me or my friends so like... What's going on?"

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