Normal Day

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   Its was just a normal city today, a bit cold but it was fine, Jake was at home, doing what he always does. 
Foxer was just sleeping, Jake didn't mined it, Foxer was playing with a godzilla toy but she fell asleep while playing with it. Cartoon Cat is just exploring the place that where Ghidorah's head was blasted into space. everything was normal, no ghidorah, no godzilla, no kaijus, no fighting. completely normal.  
everything was fine, Foxer woke up, "You're Finally awake Sis" said Jake to Foxer. Jake smiled at Foxer. she smiled back. they went outside to go to the cliff to get a great view of the city. they went to the cliff and they sat down. they had a great view of the city. "The city is beautiful today, isn't it?" said Foxer to Jake. "Heh, yup" Jake responded to Foxer. they both smiled. "So what did you dream about?" said Jake. " was about Ghidorah.. coming back and doing what he always dose.." said Foxer. "look, Ghidorah won't come back. Godzilla defeated him. and blasted his head into space." Said Jake. "You sure?.. but what if he does come back?..." said Foxer. "Then we'll have to pray to god to save us all and to make sure nothing bad happens" said Jake. they hugged each other. "Will Mothra come back?.." said Foxer. "Maybe. no body knows.." said Jake. "I want to go home now" said Foxer. "Okay, let's go." said Jake.
they got up and walked home. "Hey Toothless" said Foxer to Toothless their pet bearded dragon. Toothless was a 2 month old bearded dragon. Foxer's tail wags. Jake goes to his room to sleep.
Foxer looks at her mothra toy. "Can't believe I'm a 13 year old girl that has these stuff" said Foxer. Foxer lays down on the couch and sleeps.

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