Direct Confrontation

Start from the beginning

Sanji: I... I can never hit a woman! It's just Who I am!

He said as he deflected my shot again. Seriously, what are those pants made out of? That's blocking literally every shot. But more importantly...

Is he for real? Seriously? If he refuses to hit me, then why is he fighting me?

Me: Then why are you fighting me? Why don't you run. You will lose if this continues on.

True to my words, I shot his stomach with a Shigan. He doubled over before jumping away to catch his breath again.

Sanji: Everyone is fighting... we're fighting for each other. Even if I can't hit you, if I run away, you'll be able to help the other guys. I can't have that.

Me: So this is honor among Nakama... I'm sorry, but I don't think I can let this go on for any longer.

I pushed my observation as much as I can before dropping my pistols. My hands were clad in Dark Purple as were my feet, hidden under my shoes.

Me: I'm afraid this might be it. It was nice to fight you Mr. I won't hit woman

Sanji: Ahhh~ I think I fell in LOVE

He suddenly started waving around like a ribbon with hearts in his eyes. What is this idiot. Give me back the feeling of honor I had for you.

With that, I rushed towards his at full speed using Soru. While he tried to defend it again with his legs, this time I was prepared for it.

I grabbed onto his legs and put it between by elbow and knees.

Sanji: Argghh!


I felt his bone crack under my elbow, but I didn't stop there as the man started falling to the ground. Turning around with the same elbow, I gave him a backspin haki clad Elbow right in his jaw...which in turn knocked him out.

Let's see how the others are doing.

POV John

*punch* *punch* we exchanged blows. This was turning into a slugfest. The muscular reindeer to tired to dodge anything and prideful to do so.

This reindeer is tougher than he looks... *shrink* *shrink* maybe not.


A single solid punch to the humanoid reindeer was all it took to down the already tired animal.

I looked around to see if anyone needed help but it looked like that wasn't necessary. Honestly, I felt bad for fighting like this against an already tired and worn out opponent. This would've been more fun if they weren't so tired already. Well, there's plenty of Pirates in the sea. Some are bound to be as strong as this crew.


I knocked the col out of the cyborg's hands. I've learned my lesson already... a slightly burned shoulder. Every time he chugged that drink, he powered up and started to attack recklessly again. NO MORE!

Franky: You might be pretty strong, but you are no match for my SUPER~ armored self!

As he did that strange pose again, I just jumped on top of him and activated my devil fruit.

Me: As much as I want to fight fairly, I don't have time for it. Sorry.

With that, I grabbed his head and right hand as I search inside of him. I bent metal in strange positions, clogged mini passageways and pipes. I broke some nails and loosened screws here and there. As Franky's left arm tried to get me off, I grabbed that too and disabled all the weapons inside of it by disfiguring his arm in general.

I then jumped off to his back and gave a solid punch. He staggered but he wasn't able to turn around. Of course, I made sure to screw up his joints as well. With that, one more solid hit at his head with a metal Jack Hammer (which I just made) fell him.

That's that; honestly, it was more of a bad match than a fight of ability. I wonder how the others are doing.

POV Brown

Me: Stop running away!

This guy was extremely annoying. His punches weak, his strange attacks annoying, his voice annoying, his fighting style was extremely annoying.

Just when I caught him and delivered a punch at his stomach, this long nosed thing somehow twisted himself in fear so that my punch only grazed his side before his oily hand slipped out again before running away again.

Ussop: hiihhh! Stay away monster! FireStar! FireStar! Fresh EggStar!

What is this idiot, does he really think stuff like this will work? I'll admit that his aim isn't bad but it takes too long to reload between each shot. To add on, none of the attacks are fatal. Even with my low level of Observation haki, I could easily dodge all of his attacks.

Me: Damn it, I'm a doctor not a fighter... I'm getting too old for all this.

With that, I ran as fast as I could towards this long nosed thing and grabbed him by the nose...which seemed to be the right decision. Before he can get away, I stabbed my scalpel right into his hip. That should disable his movements for a while... AND YET HE STILL GOT AWAY

Well, it didn't last long as the immediately fell down and clutched his leg...with the knife still in it.

Me: Could you please kindly return my scalpel? It's my favorite one actually. It would be a shame if I lose it here.

Ussop: Bloodly scalpel Star!


I grabbed my scalpel out of the air... earning me a small cut on my palm. But it was worth it. I wasn't lying to this long nosed thing. I've had this one since I started my career. Perhaps I shouldn't use it like this any longer.

I went up to the long nosed thing, I seriously can't believe he's really human. Is it a mutation? And I punched him with my gauntlet. Unable to no longer escape, he was down.

As I stood up and started to wipe the blood off the knife using my coat, I looked over at the others.

Me: Looks like things are just about being wrapped up. But if it still takes this much to face against tired opponents, I guess we really do have a long way to go.

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