Announcement (New Version!!)

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Hey Poppies!! <3

So The Mitgard Witch is by FAR my most popular story on Wattpad! And a while ago I decided to discontinue it over not having set up/planned a plot properly, and running out of steam to try and write the story how I wanted to.

But, with some recent editions to my MCU Bloodline Universe (A fanfic universe I created which has not 1, not 2- but 4 new SERIES all to be written following a close cannon to the MCU, and giving our favourite hunkaroonies Spiderman, Bucky Barnes and Loki the love and attention they deserve) I have decided that Loki, really deserves another chance to shine.

And so I am in the stages of writing a NEW VERSION of The Mitgard Witch (titled The Midgard Witch) which will not follow a ReaderXLoki but instead LokiXOC format! :)

This New Version already has it's cast list and first chapter out!! And will be updated between my work at college and other hobbies as time allows!!

If you'd rather wait for a more complete story before reading, I would check out some of my other MCU Bloodline Stories!!

# Currently A Girl of Smoke and Shadow is most updated, although this has been placed on a short hold whilst I work on some of the more complicated planning for it!!

Other stories being updated are: 

#Stark Raving Mad, a story of Tony Stark secret FIRST daughter and Spiderman (as well as some OG spiderman villains AND the amazing MORBIUS


#Ghost of You, a story of the last Valkyrie who was marked by Hela at birth, and Bucky Barnes!

And if you run out of all of these beauties (if I do say so myself ;P) then I have two other stories that might pique your interest!!

#Lost At Sea is a crossover fic with Percy Jackson and the Avengers!


#Blacklights, Blushes and Contour Brushes is an 'irl' romance fic based on the MCU film franchise if it were about Arthurian Legend! With many of the MCU Actors (hem hem Tom Hiddleston and Chris Evans) as the heavy inspirations for the love interests for our MC who is a makeup artist on set!! (For legal and moral reasons I changed the names and some personality parts about the love interests as it can be a bit dodgy to write fanfic of actual people)

*spoiler alert this is turning into an even more shameless promo*

Whilst you wait for even MOREEE of The Midgard Witch I might recommend my last fanfics!!

#The Sorting Hat, The first book in a series that will be 7 of the SECRET SECOND SON of Draco Malfoy and a half-blood witch, as well as their time at Hogwarts!

or if you want something a bit more mature

#Moonglade is an original story following Scarlett, a high school student who settles down in Moonglade Washington to find werewolves and many other mystical creatures roam her school halls. At first she is out of her depth, but when she starts to fall for the Werewolf Prince Rhain nothing is as it seems. Even herself.

#The Phoenix and the Dragon, following the children of Aelin/Rowan and Feyre/Rhysand, and a good dose of world threatening magic- and of course, a world none of them believed could exist. A world of the future. A world of curses.

#High School of the Demigods, a fic following the world as if the camps had destroyed each other 70 years ago, where demigods make their way on their own. Until of course, forces beyond their understanding, and a scorned goddess who will stop at nothing to let chaos consume the world.

#Reqium, a mature to-be-released* story of two equally terrible people and lovers who will stop at nothing for power and control of New York City and it's Mafia. But will CIA catch up with them before they can reign supreme?

#Sunkissed, a to-be-released* fic set on the Golden Coast of Australia, in the setting of H20 and Mako Mermaids. When four friends fall into the moonpool, their lives change forever.

*as of 10th Nov 2020

The Mitgard Witch (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now