Surprises 💕

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hi guys! i hope you're enjoying this so far! little recap: you guys went home and are meeting again today!

tw!⚠️ : brief mentions of intrusive thoughts, i'll put something over it so you can skip it if need be! :)

y/n pov:

I woke up to the sunlight coming through my window. Last night I flopped onto my bed and just thought about everything that had happened, i must of fallen asleep, thinking of him.. I felt a slight blush come over my face, a mix of embarrassment and warmth. I'd known him for less then 24 hours but only thought about him.

Eventually I got myself out of bed, remembering I was meeting George again today. I had a shower and changed into a cute outfit.

(A/n This but with George's hoodie I thought, but you can imagine it however you like!) I did some light makeup and smiled with excitement

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(A/n This but with George's hoodie I thought, but you can imagine it however you like!)
I did some light makeup and smiled with excitement.

I remembered George had given me his number before we parted ways for the first time. I blushed once again remembering that I had kissed his cheek. His face was so soft and kissable, is that even a word? I wonder what he thought of it.

In the heat of the moment, I decided to text George. I missed him, if that's even fair to say.


                                                   Hi Gogy, it's Y/n :)
Good morning y/n/n :)

I chuckled lightly at this nickname, 'he is so cute'

We texted all day. At around 4pm he asked if I was ready or not, I sent a quick "yep!" and George said he was on his way.

I couldn't contain my excitement, for the next 10 minutes I was on edge, waiting to see him again.

(⚠️tw starts⚠️)
However I was also worried. 'What if he didn't actually care?' 'Was he just messing with me?' 'Is he just bored?' Shortly after I started having these thoughts, a knock at the door snapped me back to reality.
(⚠️tw ends⚠️)

I hopped out of my seat and rushed to the door, I opened it and was greeted by a smiling George. "Hi~" I said nervously, "Hey" he replied softly. Feeling the butterflies in my stomach, I smiled widely at him. "Come in" i said, moving out of the way. "Thank you, shortie" George chuckled as he walked inside.

I shot George a playful glare, making him laugh even harder. "Hey! i'm not even that small" I pouted. George gave one of his teethy grins and wrapped his arms round my waist, I hugged him back. He was warm and smelt like aftershave. I smiled again as I rested my head on his chest for a moment.

George pulled back and released his arms from around me. "You ready to go?" he asked, looking towards the door. "Mhm! Let's go" I smiled. He looked back at me and I saw his face drop, he went slightly pink all of a sudden. "What?" I chuckled slightly, confused by the situation. George cleared his throat and paused for a moment, "heh, nice hoodie" he whispered. I smiled widely at him, "it's nice isn't it?" I replied, giving him a little twirl so he could see my outfit. We both laughed before connecting hands and leaving my apartment.

I didn't actually know where we were going, all
I knew was I had George, so I was happy.

We walked out of my village into the nearby town. After a few minutes more of walking in a comfortable silence, George spoke up. "Do you like Chinese food?", I laughed lightly at his random question whilst looking up at him. "I'm serious!" he said, making eye contact with me. "Why yes, it's my favourite actually" I told him.

We continued talking until we walked into a part of town I didn't know. We had been walking for around 15 minutes now so I decided to ask George where we were going. "Here" George said, pointing across the road to a small building. It was a beautiful Chinese restaurant, I gasped and hugged George. He hugged back and bought me into the shop.

We sat at a table and placed our order, talking the entire time. Once the food arrived, we began eating, talking between bites. Telling stories and just getting to know each other better. I loved spending time with him, even when we were both silent whilst taking a bite.

After we finished our meal, George asked for the bill. Luckily I always carried a bag with me which I had my purse in. I got my purse out and saw George staring at me. "What are you doing?" he asked, wallet in hand. "Splitting the bill, duh" I replied, opening my purse. "No no no no no, i'm paying!" George said quickly. I looked up at him, asking if he was sure. "Of course i'm sure! We're on a da-" he coughed, cutting off his sentence "uh yeah i'm sure" he smiled nervously. I chuckled at him "simp". "Hey! i am not a simp!" this made me laugh even harder. I slid £15 into my pocket, and returned my purse to my bag.

George paid for the meal and we left the restaurant, thanking the staff.

We rejoin hands as George basically pulled me down a street. "George! Slow down! where are you taking me?" I said chuckling and basically jogging to keep up with him. "Sorry! i'm just excited I guess" he replied, turning towards me again and slowing his pace. "Can your little legs not keep up?" George teased. I scoffed, then we both started laughing.

We walked for about 20 minutes, out of town and to a very quiet area. "You never answered my question, where are we going?" I laughed nervously, unsure of where we were. "It's a surprise" George said softly, making eye contact and smiling at me.

After 10 more minutes of walking in a comfortable silence, George slowed to a stop in front of a little woodland area, once again making eye contact and wrapping his arms around my waist. He spoke up after a moment "cover your eyes y/n". "Wha- uhm, ok..?" I stuttered, covering my eyes with one hand as George took hold of the other.

We walked for a moment before George positioned me. Hugging me from behind once again, he whispered into my ear "Open your eyes cutie". He sent shivers down my spine with his words, I uncovered my eyes, blinking to adjust to the light.

"Oh my god" I gasped.

(a/n) aaahh sorry for the cliff hanger! i've been trying to write as much as possible but i'm currently studying for my mocks at school.
I hope you are enjoying the story so far, i am loving being able to share it with you all!
Have an amazing day/evening/night or whatever time it is for you! 💕

Georgenotfound x reader 💕✨Where stories live. Discover now