his place 💕

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a/n: hi guys! im so sorry for not uploading my mental health has been really bad.. i promise to try and upload more!
anyways enjoy this part :D
chapter 6:

y/n's pov:

i never thought i'd take an interest to anyone again. especially not someone i met not even a week ago.

i don't know what it is about him, something is just different. i feel connected to him, i desire him when he's gone and even when he is holding me it's never close enough.

these thoughts filled my head as his lips were against mine. i wrapped my arms around his neck and he held my waist, i can't decide if this is crazy or something i never want to let go off.

we eventually pulled away. regaining the eye contact, i could tell both of our faces were bright red. we giggled and pressed our foreheads together.

we stayed like this in silence for a few moments, processing what had happened, feeling the warm breath on our faces and just enjoying each other's presence.

"george?" i whispered, not moving an inch. "y/n?" he whispered in reply, moving his head back to look at me. i took a deep breath and looked up at him, "thank you" i said giving him a smile. the smile was immediately returned and i leaned into the hand he placed on my cheek. he pulled me in again and gave me a quick kiss before saying "no, thank you"

i didn't know what to say, so i decided to just pull him closer. i readjusted onto george's lap, keeping my arms around his neck and burying my head under his jaw. he seemed to welcome this idea and wrapped his arms around me too.

i snuggled into george, he was warm and i was still slightly chilled from the cold night air. without question he mirrored my actions, pulling me closer and snuggling into me too. taking one of his hands to rub up and down my back. i couldn't help but smile, george was such a good person and i really hope this turns into something amazing.

it seemed like timed stopped whenever i was in his arms, like we were the only two people on earth in this moment. even if we weren't he was the only thing that mattered to me right now, his presence held my attention.

"are you tired?" george whispered to me, his voice gentle and full of care. "yeah, a little" i replied, feeling myself falling asleep in his arms but not wanting the moment to end.

george moved his hands next to my thighs, stopping before touching them. "can i put my hands here to lift you?" he asked. i opened my eyes, shocked by the question. "y-yeah. thank you for asking" i answered whilst nodding. "of course, i don't want to make to uncomfortable or take advantage of you" he said. i think i could if melted right then and there. i smiled and reclosed my eyes, holding him tighter.

as he said we would, george moved his hands under my thighs and lifted me up as he stood. i wrapped my legs around his waist, happy to be able to hug him with all the limbs now. he began walking, taking me upstairs and kicking open his bedroom door.

he placed me onto his bed and kissed the top of my head. "goodnight y/n, thank you for an amazing night" he said as he pulled the covers over me then went to leave the room. "where are you going?" i questioned him. "downstairs, you can have my bed, i'll sleep on the couch." he said, turning around to face me. "nooo stay with meee" i said, bringing out my arms and doing grabby hands at him. george chuckled and came back over to me. "only if you're sure" he said, stroking my hair. "yes, if you're comfortable with it i'd like you to stay. i want cuddles" i smiled at him. "then i'll stay".

with that, george got into bed with me. opening his arms and pulling my onto his chest. i gladly accepted this offer and snuggled into him again, enjoying his smell and the way he held me. "goodnight georgie" i mumbled. "goodnight n/n (nickname)".

a/n! hope you guys enjoyed :D
anyways... thanks bye

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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