We went around God only knows how many times, everyone got skipped at least once, and there was a battle of reverse between me and the hag that lasted a few rounds- I lost, and Shoto looked like he was enjoying himself.


I got skipped for the tenth turn in a row by the hag, and was pissed, ready to snap, "The hell are you getting all these? You stealing from the pile when we aren't looking?" I accused, fed up with the fact that I was stuck at 30+ cards while the hag was down to her last 5.

"I guess I'm just better at this game than you are," she taunted as Shoto took his turn, laying down a yellow 8.

"Reverse!" Dad called. Finally, I can have a turn.

"Skip you, Katsuki." This little fucker, "Also, Uno." That is the final straw!

I threw myself across the table to his side and tossed my giant pile of cards in his general direction. Sitting on the table yelling, "You little bastard!" as I grabbed his shirt collar and began shaking him, he started to laugh, grabbing onto my arms. "You piece of shit, I thought you were on my side, I thought we were friends or some shit!"

"So you finally admit that we're friends?"

"You little butthead! I'm gonna absolutely murder you!" I continued to shake him, unconsciously setting off small bursts, singing his collar.

"Katsuki!" The hag called, "Get off the table and pick up your cards! Just accept the fact that you're a sore loser."

Reluctantly I let my hold on Shoto go. Sliding off the table and turning towards him I stated, "I'm not done here," and grabbed all 31 cards, walking back to my seat.

"It's your turn, Katsuki."

Placing a Skip card down on the pile I called, "Payback, Bitch."

"Oh it's on," she slowly raised herself out of her chair, fully intending on giving me a fight, only to be stopped by the old man.

"Mitsi, not again. You don't want another incident, do you?"

She turned and looked at him. He was practically begging for the hag to sit down, last time we started a war during Uno he had to clean chair bits from the kitchen for a week, and the deck was stashed away for a month. Something tells me that he doesn't want to do that again.

("What was the incident?" Shoto asked.

"Simply put, it's the reason one of these chairs is different from the others." He didn't push for a different explanation.)

"Fine Masu, dear, but only because I love you," she sat down and kissed him.

"Seriously, hag, I'm sitting right here!" Please, someone, kill me.

"I don't care, brat!"

Dad put down a draw 4, stopping Shoto from winning, and changed the color to Red, which - in all my luck - was the color I had least of. "I hate you all!" I shouted as I placed down the only compatible card I had, ending my turn.

Eyeing the remaining 2 cards in the hags' hand, I silently prayed that either something would force her to draw more cards, or a meteorite would hit our house knocking everyone else out and crowning me winner by default (which is a highly unlikely scenario, but still a possibility).

The old man put down another blood-colored card, and if someone doesn't do something soon all the cards are going to be blood covered, and there might be a few dead bodies!


...Ok, so, If I didn't have a lot of self-control I would have full-on kissed Shoto right then and there. His turn changed the laydown color to Blue, my main color, and when I looked around the table I could see the hag wince. 'Yes, that's probably not a color she has!'

I slammed down one of my Draw 2, preventing her from winning and from doing a turn, "You better sleep with one eye open," she threatened as she reached for the deck, drawing the two cards.

Leaning back in my seat, I waited for my next turn and saw the smirk on Shoto's face. 'I'm gonna kiss that smirk off his fucking cute face!' ...oh hell,'

"Katsuki, it's your turn,"

"Huh?" 'When did they take their turns, what went on?' Checking the pile, Green 5. Once more, a draw 2 was placed, and the hag drew.


The game kept like that. I prevented the hag from getting less than 2 cards, death threats were given (and received), I got lost in my thoughts a few more times, and I almost blew up the table when Shoto skipped me causing the hag to play a reverse. Deliberate, now I can't use my weapons against her, and I can't risk putting down a reverse too.

Every turn I glanced at the hag, watching as her dumb face twists. Which colors she reacted harshly with, which numbers tugged at a smile. I think I've got the pattern.

Me, Shoto, and the old man placed regular number cards down, ending with a Red 7. 'Oh hell yes!' If I'm right, she doesn't have a red at all.

She placed down a Blue 7, "Uno!" I mean, I wasn't fucking wrong.

Once again the round ended with Red, 'This is it.' I inwardly squealed, yeah you heard right.

Silence surrounded us as we waited for her to draw half the deck for the right card. The clock loudly ticking as we waited for a few long seconds wondering what she was doing. The sweltering silence was finally broken when she slammed her hand down on the stack with a sufficient amount of force to dent the table. In horror I watched as she removed her hand, uncovering her secret weapon.

"You piece of shit!" I threw my cards on the floor and cleared all the cards off the table with one big swing of my arms, sending them flying everywhere as I lunged for the hag, "You're dead! You hear me? DEAD!"

The old man stood in front of the hag, blocking me, while Shoto held me back with his arms. Trapped in his arms would've been fucking amazing, if I didn't have someone I needed to murder. Kicking in his grasp I tried to wrangle myself out of his hold, "Let me go, Bastard!"

"Not until you calm down," was whispered in my ear, and it was almost enough for me to stop. Almost.

"Let me at her, she cheated!"

He held tighter, "I don't know much about this game, but I doubt using a Draw 4 as your uno card is an illegal move. As far as it's concerned, she won fair and square."

The hag laughed from behind the old man, so I glared in her direction. Shoto continued, "Calm down, Katsuki. It's not a big deal."

'Not a big deal'? 'NOT A BIG DEAL'!

I stopped squirming and tilted my head back to look at this complete idiot. "You may be incomprehensibly pretty, but I will not hesitate to throw down if you do not let me go."

I was promptly thrown onto the floor.


Rubbing the back of my head, wincing as my hand passed the now sore section of my skull, "The hell was that for, couldn't you have let me down a bit more gently?" Still haven't looked up, I couldn't tell why he hadn't answered me. Seconds passed, and the only recognizable sounds were the gasps of the hag and the old man, and there was a faint smell of smoke (but one of the old neighbors could be trying to cook again). "What's going on-" finally looking up to see... well, to see Shoto on fire.

"Crap!" Dad muttered. Light stomping created as he ran to the faucet, filling something up. Shoto was completely unresponsive, we called his name, snapped our fingers in his face, but nothing.

The old man came back with a bowl of water and tossed the water on Shoto's burning left side, extinguishing his flames, and bringing him back to the real world.

All 3 of us Bakugou's shouted, "What the hell was that?!"

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