Sunsets and New Friendships

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"I understand, I trust you two, but if he tries anything," Eda breathed while drawing a line on her neck.

"He won't. He fought Mr. Blight today too," I claimed.

"Gosh! You two never get to relax do you?" she blurted.

"No, but at least Ami knocked her dad out," Luzy cheered.

"Good job Amity!" Eda cheered.

"Thank you," I smiled. There was a rustling in the bushes causing us to jump.

"Hey guys," Gus greeted with a bright smile.

"Hi," Mark whispered hiding behind Gus. He then walked towards Eda with a solemn look spread on his face. 

"Mrs. Clawthorn, I want to humbly apologize for my misdeeds. I'm very sorry for the pain I have caused, and I promise to devote myself to protecting Luz and Amity," he claimed as he bowed his head.

"I'll give you this kid. You have real courage standing up for your actions, and I respect that; however, it will take me a bit of time to trust you. I want to thank you for protecting Luz and Amity from the potion. Mr. Blight is a crazy witch, and I know what you told them was the truth, so I can't really hate you," Eda responded. Tears glistened on Mark's face as he showed remorse for his actions.

"Thank you Mrs. Clawthorn," he bowed.

"Anytime kid," she replied with a smile of relief. Eda walked inside leaving us alone outside.

"So, what did you want to ask us over for?" Mark asked.

"We just wanted to hang out, if that is alright with you Mark," I claimed. His face lit up in excitement.

"Wow! Really? You guys must be pulling my tail," Mark exclaimed.

"No Mark, we aren't pulling your tail. You proved yourself to us, and we would like to have a fresh start as friends," Luzy exclaimed.

"Thank you, I never have had real friends before," he claimed. We all gave a group hug as Mark looked puzzled.

"What was that?" he asked.

"That's a hug Mark. It is a human thing," Luzy explained. 

"What would you guys like to do?" I asked.

"We could play never have I ever or truth or dare," Luzy offered.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Gus shouted.

"Okay, sounds good. Who will start?" Luzy asked.

"I will," I giggled.

"Alright Ami, start the match," Luzy smiled.

"Gus, truth, or dare?" I asked. 

"Hmm.. truth," he answered. 

"Gus if you were given 1,000,000 snails what would you do?" I asked.

"I would probably give some to my parents, and I would get human artifacts for a museum," he replied.

"That's a good answer, Gus who do you pick?" I asked.

"Luz truth or dare?" he gleamed.

"Dare," Luzy giggled trying to be brave.

"I dare you to sit on Amity's lap for the rest of the game," he dared.

"No problem," she giggled as my face turned into a tomato. Luzy sat on my lap as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Okay Luz, who do you choose?" he asked. 

"Mark truth or dare?" she questioned. 

"Dare," he replied softly. Luzy's face showed she had planned something evil. 

"I dare you to draw a heart on your hand," she dared.

"That's simple enough," Mark claimed as he took ink to his palm. Gus's eyes were shocked as the mark appeared on his hand.

"Holy crap," Gus whispered. 

"What is it?" Mark asked in concern.

"Look at this a heart appeared on my hand!" he awed.

"Wait, what illusion are you using," Mark questioned rapidly.

"I'm not using any illusions, Mark," Gus claimed.

"Then what does it mean?" he asked.

"We are soulmates silly," Gus teased with a blush evident on his face.

"Woah, first friends and now soulmates. I think I'm gonna..." Mark exclaimed as he fell into the grass.

"Mark," Gus whimpered. 

"I'm dead," he giggled.

"No your not," Gus pushed as he tried to get Mark up from the ground only as he fell onto Mark. His face turned pink as he too passed out.

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