Spilled Crimson

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Alice's character design in image.

Amity's POV:

The soft knocking on the door started to rise in decibel while Luzy held onto me tightly. Silence echoed from Luzy and me as we tried to ignore the door.

"Mittens, it's us," Edric explained.

"Why should I trust you," I called.

"Please, just let us in Mittens we mean no harm," Em begged. I looked into Luzy's eyes trying to see what she thought. She shook her head, as she reluctantly let go of me. I slowly got up and I opened the bookcase. To my shock, I saw four people standing outside the bookcase. 

"You liars! Why are they here!" I shouted. Luzy hastily got up and she stood up behind me. 

"I'm sorry Mittens, they followed us in," Em explained. 

"Gosh, ruining lunch isn't enough for you Alice is it?" Luzy growled. 

"Nah, I wanted another piece of you human," Alice toyed.

"Mark, what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked while the boy stared into my eyes.

"Isn't it obvious, you are still my betrothed. I love you, and I'll chase you until either of us stop breathing," he chimed. 

"Gross, you two are so stupid. Mark you know I love Luzy, so bug off," I growled.   

"Go away you two," Em shouted. Ed pushed them away as the four of us were sealed in the hideaway.

"Why are you here?" I snapped.

"Mitten's Dad is out for your head! We wanted to warn you of his plans with the two morons who followed us," Ed explained. 

"Wait, isn't cursing us enough for him," I growled.

"We wish, I have something to admit Mittens. I was the one forced to choose the curse implemented on you. I am really sorry, and I know nothing I say or do can repay for my actions. Father thankfully didn't read into the curse but he was pleased that it was long-lasting. As for mom, she still is in a comma from the potion Dad forced her to drink," Em explained.

"How could you help him curse us," I cried.

"It wasn't my choice on finding a curse. He would have killed us, and I know what I did was low, but I tried my best to find a curse that wouldn't kill you," Em cried.

"Why do you still stand by his side?" I asked. 

"We are scared Mittens, you are the brave one out of this family. Now that you are gone we are forced to take your place as top student. Dad has burned all the family photos that ever claimed you were apart of the Blight family. His only hope to get you back is to tear you two apart. He is messing with you two until you stop breathing, or he gets bored," Ed explained. 

"Won't you get into trouble for seeing us here?" Luzy asked. 

"Thankfully, we have illusions covering for us right now, but Mittens we are with you from now on," Em claimed. 

"I forgive them Ami, your parents are terrifying," Luzy chimed. 

"You do, all right you two I'll forgive you. You are the only family I have that doesn't want my head on a platter," I sighed. They looked a little less tense as they breathed out. 

"Mom doesn't want your head on a platter," Em corrected.

"Wait, what do you mean she doesn't want my head on a platter?" I asked in shock. 

"Mom almost broke away from dad when she learned about his intent. She never hated you Amity, she loved you even if her way of showing it was cruel. Her last words before the comma were apologizing for the shit she put you through before you left. Amity, she new what she did was wrong, and she tried to escape; however, father gave her a potion that wiped her memories of that night," Em explained. Tears ran down my face as Luzy held onto me. 

The Magic that Brings us Together (Lumity) (Soulmate Au)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang