Part 8: Deku?

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After Killua had come back from his little water break Aizawa decided to start the Apprehension test. The first obstacle being a 50-meter dash.

'Really? So lame.. From tired man's big speech I thought this was going to be riskier..' Killua thought, sighing as Iida and a green-haired girl were the first to start the race...

'Runners on your mark! Ready?' A metallic voice called from the small machine. Killua guessing it was to summarize how fast they went.

Not a second passed before the buzzer went off. Iida blasting off as the girl seemed to jump. Killua following their movements as Iida had crossed the line before the girl.

'Three-point zero four seconds!' (3.04)

'Five point five eight seconds!' (5.58)

The green-haired girl stood after crossing the line. Having a hunched posture and her hands hung limply in front of her. Killua raising his eyebrows at the female as Aizawa huffed.

"Well, he certainly is in his element. But speed won't help him in every test." The taller grumbled, Killua glancing over to him as Uraraka and tail boy were up next. the snow haired boy observing as the female touched her clothes and shoes.

'It must have to do with her quirk. Maybe touching things makes those said things float... Like Izuku.' he thought and watched as the small machine once again called them up. watching as the tail boy had crossed the finishing line first, and Uraraka soon after.

Killua sighed as he put his hands behind his head, watching two others go up.. He was bored with the situation, yes, but he still watched all of them closely, he wanted to know their quirks. After all, that information can help him out later.

But he became more interested when it was Bakugou versus Izuku. Killua had guessed that from Bakugou's personality his quirk was maybe fire or some type of burning quirk. and when the machine called them off Killua was pleasantly surprised by the answer he received.

Bakugou's quirk was explosions.

But he frowned a bit when seeing how slow Izuku was being. How did he even pass the exam? It was a lingering thought in his head that made him all the more curious..

'Maybe he found a way to make the machines shut down or malfunction without having to fight them.. That sounds like something Izuku would do..'

"My power has more uses than anyone else in this school," Bakugou mumbled, his hands sizzling with smoke as Killua rolled his eyes, looking to the greenete who was hunched over with his hands on his knees.

Killua walked over to him and reached a hand out, placing it onto the taller's shoulder. Izuku looked over, seeing Killua give him a half-grin. "Don't tell me your gonna give up." He teased. the male widening his eyes. "What?! Of course not!" He said, raising his hands in defense as Killua chuckled. "Then don't look so stressed. Your thinking way too hard. Try to relax.. Then you will be able to come up with a more logical plan." He explained, the taller sighing as he straightened up. Taking his words into consideration.

"Yeah.. I guess your right. Thanks, Killua." He smiled at the cat-eyed teenager, who was soon called over by Aizawa. Saying it was his turn against a girl who seemed to be invisible except for her training clothes.

Killua grumbled and walked over to her, his hands lowering down to his sides as he bent into a running position. Everyone looking over to the two. After all, they were curious. He was the one to get first place in the exam after all.

Killua closed his eyes as the robotic voice said to get ready. Deciding it was best to use any nen in this round.. He was perfectly fast without it.

The buzzer sounded off and Killua opened his eyes, becoming a blur as he raced to the crossing line. Iida being one of the only people who could follow him with his eyes.

"IMPOSTOR." [A HxH and Bnha Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now