Chapter 21

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It’s been two weeks since that dream. I still have the same dream and it would also feel real after it.
Today is the day of the ceremony. I can’t wait until this is over then Mr Daniel can stop telling me to tell them. I told him about me telling Kate in my dream.

Fae left half way through Maths yesterday says something about its time. When I had a chance I tried teleport there but I couldn’t get through. I remember that the prince said something was going to happen soon.  

It was now 11:30 so I got ready. I should have been ready 30 minutes ago. (Outfit  make-up)
“Ready?” Michelle asks she opens the door. “Yeah.”
“Scared?” She asks as she puts my pin in my hair.
“A little more nervous than anything.” I wasn’t nervous about today but about my friends getting hurt, by what ever happen down there.
“It’s time Babe.” David said walking into room with Mark following behind him.
“Okay I’m ready.”
I and David walk downstairs with Mark and Michelle.
We walked outside where Alan and Paul joined us. All of us walk up to the archway where Alpha, Luna and Mark’s and Michelle parents are standing.
“We are all gathering here for passing over the roles of Alpha, Luna and betas to the next generation. We all knew that the roles goes to the eldest son however this isn’t the case here as my eldest son left five years go so it falls to the next line in. Before we get to the next Alpha we will do Beta. Larry if you would please.”
Mark and Michelle steps followed. “My Son.” Mark step followed. “I Larry Adrian pass the role of Beta over to my only son Mark Larry Adrian Do you accepted the roles as beta?”
“I Mark Larry Adrian accepted the role of beta.”
“I shall now pass my role to my son. Step follows and takes my place as beta.”
Mark step follow and stood by his mother and Alpha and Luna.
His mother steps follow and do the same. “I Lucile Adrian pass the role of Beta over to my only daughter Michelle Louisa Adrian Do you accepted the role as beta?”
“I Michelle Louisa Adrian accepted the role of beta.”
“I shall now pass my role to my daughter. Step follows and takes my place as beta.”
Then it was my turn. Mrs Thomas step followed. I Luna Samantha Thomas-Daniel pass the role of Luna over to Evangeline Rosa Cross-Grey. Do you accept the roles as the future Luna and to protect this pack with your life?”
“I Evangeline Rosa Cross-Grey accepted the role of Luna and to protect my pack with my life.”
“I shall now pass my role to my son mates. Step follows and takes my place as Luna Evangeline Cross-Grey.”
I step follow and told my place as Luna of Black moon packs.
“Now as I have said my eldest and youngest children please step forward.” Alan and Paul step forward. “Do you Alan Lucien Thomas-Daniel and Paul Andy Thomas-Daniel accepted the roles as beta and next in line if your brother no long plays the role as Alpha of Black Moon. This would only happen if your brother does have any children by then.”
“Yes sir we accepted the roles as beta and next in line.” Both Alan and Paul answer and the same time.
“Now I will pass the role of Alpha over to my Second eldest child please step followed.” David step followed. “I Andrew Daniel pass the role of Alpha over to my second eldest child. David Lee Thomas-Daniel. Do you accept the roles as alpha and to protect this pack with your life?”
“I David Lee Thomas-Daniel accepted the role of Alpha and protect my pack with my life.”
“I shall now pass my role to my son. Step follows and takes my place as Alpha David Thomas-Daniel.”
Now all of us are standing in front of our pack as the new betas, Alpha and Luna of Black moon pack.
“Now the ceremony is done it time to celebrate. Alpha David and Luna Evangeline please step followed for the first dance as Alpha and Luna of Black moon. 
"Two seconds." I said as me and David run inside to change. Then we walked about outside onto the dance floor. 

Everyone clap when we done, they all a shocked when we started however they love it at the end. "Well that was different." We all laugh. 
We all dance together until Midnight. When we all left to go to bed. Me and David would be moving into the Alpha and Luna room tomorrow. So for now we are sleeping in David's room.
"Good my feet are killing me." I moaned as I fell on the bed. 
"Aw baby do you want me to rub your feet?" David asked as he climbs on the bed next to me.
"Why not?"
"Because you are being a arse." 
"How am a arse?"
"Because I said so"
"Find then, I wouldn't climb in to bed then" David said as he climb off the bed.
"Okay bye. Have fun on the couch." I said before following David.
"I will." David said as he pull out one of his tops.
"Goodnight then." I said taking the top from David. 
I slip off my clothes until I was in my underwear then I slip on his top. Smirking i climb in to bed. I know that David would end up climbing in to bed in a few hours. We did this last year. 
I closed my eyes let darkness claim me, i hope I could find out how my friends are. 

Kate walk towards my direction and stops when she sees me standing by the tree. "Hello Eva, how are you?"
"I'm good. How are you?" I asked.
"Kate I need to tell you something. I know will hate me after this. What I am going to tell you don't take it out on Paul or the other please because they don't know." I tell her.
"Okay, what is it?"
"My name not Evangeline Rosa Cross-Grey, it's Ashley William."
"What how she died. You said she was your cousin.
"No I lied. i'm Chelsea's cousin not her sister. I had to pretend I died, because of my dad. He hurt me. You remember that night when I told you to run?"
"I remember" 
"He would hit me and mum every-night. If you remember I also had baggy clothes on and I would jump every time Teddy touch me."
"Yeah so that doesn't mean anything."
"The first time we met you call me Ash-tray." 
"Oh my god its is you. Why did you lied?"
"Witness protection. I had to tell you now, But please don't tell Teddy. He need to happy with Michelle. Just like I am with David."
"I will i promise. I miss you so much Ash-Tray."
"Miss you  too Kate."

This time I woke up shaking. I could see David's sleeping on the couch. Snoring.  "David." I called. When he didn't answer me I called him again. "David, Please." 
He still didn't answer me so I climb out of the bed, walked towards David when I saw someone walking from the forest. "David" I shouted as I pulled him off the couch. 
"What?" He shouted back.
"Someone outside."
David got of the floor and look out of the window. He see more then one person outside and a few wolves heading towards the house. "Get all the women and children in the safe house now."
"Okay." I teleported into every room where they was a women and a child telling them to go to the safe house. Once all the women and children was in the safe house I join the men and boys outside. 
"Get back inside in the safe house" David told me.
"No I need to be there with you and protect our pack. Plus I have send Michelle to protect them."
"Please Eva."
"No David. It's my job as Luna."
The next thing I knew was Alan carrying me to the safe house and locking the door. I banged on the door telling them that I can help. I tried teleporting out but nothing would work.
"Why isn't my powers working?" I asked thin air. 
I tried using all of my powers nothing of them are working. "Ori, Fae, Sir, anyone please tell me what going on?"
I got nothing. "Please give me a sign that you are Fine."
I just felt weak and drained in my human form. however Aura Snow was still fighting strong and inching to get out.

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