Chapter 7

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This chapter may be short, idk. But this is 9:37am Nov 14 me typing right now. At the end of the chapter I'm going to put in when I ended it, showing just how much time I spend on these chapters and how much I procrastinate. 😂 Alright, lets get going.

Jafar snuggled up in the soft warm blankets. The pillow he had his head was a little too soft, which was a luxury he could live without, but dealt with. He pulled the blankets a little over his head when he felt a cold breeze enter his room. Wait... how could there be a breeze? Jafar immediately sat up, using his technique from Sham Lash to look into the dark. He noticed how the blinds on the huge window leading out into a balcony were moving around. Did Jafar forget to close the window before bed? No. He was sure Sin had made sure everything was closed and locked before leaving. That means... if Jafar's senses weren't wrong, he wasn't in here alone.

Without anything to really protect himself with, Jafar thought of the best course of action. Run to the door, and get Sin. That was the best plan he could think of with all of his thoughts spinning around in his head. Jafar, not wanting to waste another moment, jumped out of his bed, and started to run to the door. He was so close.

Suddenly Jafar was taken off of his feet. He was punched in the stomach, harder than anything he'd ever felt. Yet, he refused to give up without a fight. Jafar wrapped his legs around the persons arm, and using all of his strength twisted it. He heard a crack in the arm, but the person didn't even make any sound whatsoever of pain. Jafar's eyes widened when they grabbed his foot and flung him to the wall. Paintings and a mirror fell to the ground, shattering. Jafar coughed out a little bit of blood, wiping it off of his chin, and stood up.

He then ran towards the person, using all of his power to kick them back from the door. They didn't even budge. Again, Jafar's eyes widened when they threw him into the wall again, but this time, it was harder, much harder. Jafar's vision went blurry, and his head felt fuzzy. He slowly closed his eyes, passing out.


"So that's why Jafar was always distant towards us... He was never good with interacting with others." Yamuraiha confirmed. Sinbad nodded, placing his elbows on his desk and resting his chin on his hands. "Do you have any idea about what happened after his parents died?" Sinbad shook his head, sighing.

"He's never mentioned anything like that... But I do have one idea... You see, Jafar was hesitant to leave the guild at first, and I thought it was because they might come after us, but now that I think about it, when Rurumu and Hinahoho had their first kid, he was super attached to him. He always made sure the kid was safe. I, at first, thought nothing of it, but now that I think about it... I think he may of had siblings." Yamuraiha looked down, clenching her hands together. That's when an idea came into her mind. She jumped up, happily. "Why are you so happy?" Sin asked.

"I know how to fix Jafar! I need actual DNA from another source! I need his DNA from a family member!" Sinbad's eyes lightened up.

"That's great, Yam! But where are we going to find a family member of his? His parents are gone... we don't even know if he has siblings... or if they're still alive." They both slumped, huffing.

"This is too hard~!" Yam wined, laying back in her seat. Sinbad chuckled.

"Why don't you go get some rest. It's pretty late." Yamuraiha nodded, yawning. "We'll figure it out tomorrow." Yam then left, going to her room. Sinbad yawned, blowing out the candles in the room then going to bed himself.


The next morning Sinbad strolled to Jafar's room to wake up the sleeping kitten. But once he opened the door, he saw shattered glass all over the room. Jafar's bed laid empty, and the window leading to the balcony was wide open. Sinbad shuttered back, his legs giving out on him. He fell to the floor, tears flooding his eyes. How? I had just tucked him in then went to go meet with Yam... how could this happen!? Please let this be a dream! But this was no dream. None of the scene ever went away, making Sin start to yell. His friend, his younger brother, his family, was gone. "AHHHHHH!"

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