Chapter 2

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I'm awake now, in a hotel room I'm guessing is mine. Laying on a comfortable bed, I slowly sit up and see Russel standing in front of me. Behind him are beautiful red and black curtains pushed off to the side to show the breath-taking view.

"What happened?" I ask as my dark blonde hair brushes across my face, my long bangs poking me in the eye. Russel looked at me with a worried look on his face, his deep brown eyes piercing into my mind.

"Do you not remember?" he asked hesitantly.

"All I remember is collapsing when the elevator stopped." After I said that he had this subtle look of relief on his face.

"Oh, well you fainted I think, I don't really know what happened to you. The elevator started moving again after a few minutes, but um then I brought you back here to your room." He kept looking away from me when talking to me. Pretty sus not gonna lie.

"How long was I out?"

"Not long, like a few minutes."

"And you carried me here in a few minutes?"

"Uh yeah." He said as he looked away.

"Do you think I'm fine, Do you think I need a doctor?"

"No... you'll be fine. I mean you're alive." I glance over to my bag, specifically the one with the first aid kit was in.

"No Cameron. You don't need it you're fine." Russell chimes in as he sees my wandering eyes. He obviously knows me well.

"So what do you want to do then?" I ask eagerly. Now that we're in Monterey we had around 3 hours to kill. 

"Well lets get settled in our rooms then we'll meet Jamie in the lobby, and maybe get lunch."


"Dear god." Russell exclaimed while slowly moving out of the room. He closed the door behind him and I was left alone in my room for a few seconds until Russell came in again to say:

"Oh and I'm sorry you had to go through something like that again." Then he shut the door and walked away.

About 30 minutes had passed and we went down to the lobby to meet with Jamie. We found Jamie on the phone talking to someone. But when they saw us they hung up. I'm assuming they where finished talking.

"Hey." Jamie greeted us.

"Who was that on the phone?" I asked

"Are you not gonna say hey back Cameron? HOW FOCKING RUDE." Jamie screamed at me, with their heavy British accent.

"Hey." Russel said.

"Oh I'm glad someone here appreciates me." Jamie says sarcastically. I just roll my eyes in annoyance. "Since you wanna know who was on the phone so badly, I was making reservations for dinner."

"Oh! Where are we eating?" Russel asks.

"Cornwallis Cafe."

"Oh I heard of that place." I chime in. "It's supposed to be really good."

"Yes I know daddy that's why I made a reservation."

"Don't call me daddy." I spoke in annoyance.

"No." Both of them said in unison.

We headed out to the street and saw a Subway not too far away. We all agreed to go there and have sandwiches. During lunch Aoi arrived at the hotel and would meet us after lunch. The convention starts at 1:30 and we still have to wait for Natalya.

We finished lunch and headed back to the hotel to greet Aoi. We saw them standing by the elevator and waved.

"Sup bitches." Aoi said while punching me in the stomach. It hurt.

"Oh Cameron doesn't greet people anymore." Jamie said with an evil smile.

"I figured."

At that time we saw a familiar face walk through the lobby doors. Natalya had come earlier than expected and went to the front desk to check in. While watching her walk across the room I noticed there where some people who looked like they where here for the convention too. I saw some cosplayers and got very excited.

We greeted Natalya (or they greeted Natalya) and we went to our rooms to get ready and wait till the convention starts.

When the time was right we met back up in the lobby. Jamie and Aoi were both cosplaying. Aoi cosplaying as 707 from Mystic Messenger, and Jamie cosplaying as Serinuma from Kiss Him, Not Me. Russel, Natalya, and I didn't cosplay, although I was wearing my Haikyuu jersey. It was finally time to geo to the thing we've all been waiting for. It's time to go to the convention!

Cameron- he/him  {gay}
Russell- he/him  {bisexual}
Jamie- they/them  {gay}
Aoi- they/them  {?}
Natalya- she/her  {?}

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