#2: Ice Cream

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Summers in Yokohama were unbelievably hot. Sometimes in the summer a high temperature was nice. But not at these levels. It was hard to think from the heat; so hard it felt as if your brain had melted and oozed out your ears.

Osamu Dazai and Chuuya Nakahara sat, overlooking a river. Dazai had a fresh ice cream cone; the only thing that could really help in any way in such intense heat.

Dazai looked over to Chuuya and saw him intently staring at his ice cream. A "pff" of laughter spilled from his lips.

"Gee, want some ice cream, do you?" he teased.

"Shut up," Chuuya responded, breaking eye contact with the frozen treat.

"Seriously, Chuuya, do you want some or not?" Dazai asked more firmly this time.

"I've never had it," Chuuya answered.

"You've never had ice cream?"


"Well, try some."

Dazai handed his cone in front of Chuuya. Normally on a hot day he would never share his ice cream. But today was different.
Chuuya was not expect Dazai's generosity, which was evident by his reaching for the come very slowly, constantly looking back and forth between it and Dazai's one uncovered eye.

Chuuya tasted it. "Sweet relief..." he thought. Quite literally. It had such a pleasant sugary taste and it certainly helped diminish the heat.
Due to the heat, of course, the ice cream could not maintain its status for too long. It started melting and dripping all over Chuuya's hand. He put the cone in his other hand and stared at the melted ice cream caked around the first hand.

"Aw, slug, you're making such a mess," Dazai complained.

Chuuya wanted to respond, "I know, no need to point it out, asshole," but before he could, Dazai took his hand and licked the ice cream off. Chuuya was unsure how to process this.

The moment all the ice cream was gone, Chuuya tore his hand away from Dazai. "Wh-what the fuck, dude?!" he stuttered, his face flushed.

Dazai just smirked.

"Y-you're so stupid!! You...you don't just do that!!" Chuuya stood up from the ledge, threw the cone to the ground, and jumped back onto solid ground. He stared at Dazai one more time, and then ran off.

Dazai glanced at the cone, melting into the pavement. He then looked down at the river and smiled as he swayed his feet back and forth.

"Chuuya sure is cute when flustered," he thought, "I gotta make sure to get him more ice cream every summer."

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