Chapter 103: Nightwatch

Começar do início

It wasn't entirely true, but he wasn't willing to admit it.

This time, Calista rolled her eyes, shaking her head in slight amusement.

"I mean it." He reiterated.

His cobalt eyes burned with the same conviction Yona had displayed earlier, filled the brim with unwavering loyalty and determination that would never be voiced.

Then, he looked away from her, unable to hold his gaze any longer as the ancient, suppressed vulnerability seeped through.

"I can't trust them, but if you do, then I will follow your lead. I trust you."

He watched as her jaw dropped and his hand gripped his hair in frustration.

It hadn't gone through.

She didn't know how much he trusted her. How much he admired her and relied on her. She and Yona had that in common. He had failed to communicate it though, and in that moment, he swore to do better so that she would never look upon him with that same expression again.

Like she didn't know how much she meant to him.

Calista absentmindedly played with her hands that were folded in her lap.

"Hak, I'm not a leader."

She scoffed, raising her eyes up to the endless night sky. "Heck, I don't even think I'm good at reading people like that anymore."

Her heart hurt as she relived the bittersweet memories of when they were children. When things were simple. Or so she thought.

Her vision glazed over as the sorrow came back, full force. "How was I so wrong about him?"

How was I so far from the mark with Soo-won?

"You can't put it on yourself, it's not your fault. None of us saw it." Her brother sighed heavily, trying to comfort her. "Not even me."

Tears pricked at the back of Calista's eyes as she leaned back so that her upper body was hanging dangerously off the edge. She swallowed thickly, letting the chilly night air snuff out any emotion before it could surface.

He watched her carefully to make sure she didn't go over the edge, sighing under his breath in relief when she pulled herself up again.

"But they aren't like him." He continued with a brash certainty that had her ears perking up. "I just don't know if I can trust anyone else like that again. I trusted him with Yona, and look what he did."

She nodded understandingly, watery eyes filled with empathy. She knew exactly what he was feeling.

"If you can trust them," Hak hesitated, like he was afraid of what he was about to say next. "Then, I think one day I might be able to."

Calista didn't comment on it, choosing instead to look past him.

She scrambled hastily to her feet when she saw who was standing at the door that led to the inn below.

Pushing off of his spot against the doorframe, Jae-ha walked over to them, stride purposeful and eyes sincere.

As he came to a halt in front of her, his eyes searched hers in silence, lowering when they found what he was looking for.

He spun around on his heel to face Hak, who had yet to move a muscle.

His signature smirk curved on the edge of his mouth, violet eyes twinkling with misplaced mischief. "And what are you two talking about so late in the night?"

"Not now, Droopy-Eyes." Hak scowled, glaring daggers at the green dragon who interrupted the scarce time he got with his sister.

"Hak." Calista chastised, light enough to pass for a warning but he knew better than to piss her off.

She turned her attention to Jae-ha and noticed the solemness in his eyes and her expression softened.

He was worried about them.

Clearing her throat once, she offered him an inviting smile. "Jae-ha, was there something you needed?"

"Ah yes, Calista dear," He replied smoothly, placing a finger on his chin in faux innocence. "Now that you mention it, there is something."

She nudged him in the ribs to prompt whatever it was when he didn't continue, but a huge yawn cut the action short and she crashed into him as a wave of dizziness suddenly came over her.

The sound of objects clattering reached her ears as someone caught her before she could hit the ground. Glancing up through half-lidded eyes, she was taken aback to see the amount of concern in Hak and Jae-ha's stares.

"Go down to the inn with the others." Jae-ha told her with a gentleness she wasn't accustomed to hearing. "Shin-ah cannot fall asleep without you in his arms."

Calista's mouth parted in surprise to hear that and before she was fully aware of what she was doing, her feet were blindly stumbling towards the door.

Things got easier as someone held her shoulders from behind to guide her better.

"Let me help." Hak said quietly.

A single tear rolled down her cheek, streaking her face with evidence that could be erased but never forgotten.

"Thank you." She whispered back, beyond touched.

Not just by that, but with what he had said to her that night. He trusted her. After all her mistakes and mess ups, she still had his trust and loyalty. After all that they had been through, the good, the bad and the ugly, he was still standing beside her.

Hak, you're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for, even before Yona and I came into the picture. I hope that one day, you'll be able to see it and that you'll take the same advice you've just given me. Our friends are worth the fight.  

The Varied Path (Akatsuki no Yona Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora