Breakdown *Edited*

Start from the beginning

"Go wash your face and eat something. I can't stay much longer I got people waiting for me." She took a shaky breath nodding and headed toward the bathroom. You took the time to send the rest of the pictures and the recording to Aizawa to build a case. You needed as much evidence as possible. Is it possible to hit him with a truth serum quirk? Make him mad and spill the truth...That's not a bad idea. You turned at the sound of creaking and saw all the Todoroki siblings peeking around the corner to stare at you. You beckoned them over and they hesitantly made their way over standing in front of you. You smiled as gently as possible. They needed help. There were so many kids that needed help out in the world but, these four you can save. Save their mom too. Endeavor will not win. You'll go to jail or die first before he wins. "I know you have no idea what's going on but, I made a promise to your aniki Touya and your Okaasan that I'm going to help. I know what Endeavor does, I just need as much proof as possible for an arrest. I have plenty of people to help, people who know how it is for the one person that is supposed to love you to do the opposite." You looked at all of them individually and Fuyumi spoke up.

"Why do you care so much? No one ever cared or did anything? He always used his money, power, and just him to scare people." You looked at her and the rest of them. They were all looking at you with varying emotions.

"I never had anyone there for me and my dad when we needed it." You stood up to show off all your scars "I'm not pretty, my skin is not smooth and beautiful because of my mother and uncle. They hated me for some reason and took advantage of it when my dad would go on missions for weeks or even a month. They both used to verbally, mentally, and emotionally abuse him which is why he took the long missions. I always told him too that I can handle it until I couldn't." You squatted back down to their level letting them mull over everything. You checked in with Aizawa that you'll be out in less than 5. You already spent too much time here. You were surprised at a light tap on your arm. You looked down to see Shoto looking at you. You turned on the recorder knowing he was going to say something either precious or incrementing. Maybe both.

"Daddy gets really mad when Touya's fire hurts him so he leaves him to hit mama and me. I don't like when daddy hits us. Fire is scary..." You scooped up the little bean in your arms holding the shaking body close to your chest. Where was Rei?

"Fire isn't scary, a quirk something you are born with is not scary. It's the person who uses that fire to make it scary. Your dad is scary because he uses his fire to hurt. Touya and your fire are pretty. It's like a phoenix."

"What's a phoenix" You smiled at all of them and down at Shoto who asked.

"A phoenix is a beautiful bird resembling the sun, said to have been reborn and remade from their predecessor's ashes." You took Shoto's hand and using your element manipulation quirk you used his fire to make a firebird. They gasped coming in closer.

"H-how did you do that?" They all were in awe as you let the bird die along with the fire.

"It's one of my quirks- I have more than one." You hugged Shoto one more time before letting him go. You pulled a piece of paper out with a number on it handing it to Touya. "I can't stay much longer but keep that number, if something happens any of you can find a way to call. Memorize it. It's my number. I don't care what time it is or where you are, you can call me and I will come." They looked down at the piece of paper and back at you as you got ready to leave.

"Are you a hero?" You looked down at Shoto smiling gently at him.

"No, I'm not. Just someone who's got attached to a bunch of cute kids." You winked and left them at that. Let them enjoy their time while that monstrosity is gone. You let Aizawa know you were coming along with La Brava. In the span of two minutes the same window you entered you left the estate and jumped over the fence just in time for the sensors to start working again.

"Let's go and talk later." You walked ahead, Aizawa following soon after along with La Brava. The three of you decided to take three different buses just in case someone was watching - couldn't be too careful anyway- and decided to meet up at a cafe to discuss everything. It was a new cafe in a hole in the wall. You entered and ordered lunch waiting patiently for Aizawa and La Brava to come. About half an hour later the three of you were at a table in the back speaking in hush tones.

"Did you see everything right?" Aizawa simply nodded but, you saw the rage behind his eyes. His eyes spoke much more for him than words can.

"I don't understand how anyone can do anything like that to children." You shook your head.

"People like him are manipulative, conniving, nasty, and downright cruel. He's obsessed with power and is forcing his children and wife to suffer because he couldn't make it to the top. It's always about him, him, him. He bought a wife with a strong ice quirk to make kids for the sake of having a machine. He tossed aside two of them because they didn't have fire quirks. He's evil." They stood silent for a bit.

"You collected some good evidence today." You shook your head

"Yeah very little, I need more, I need proof and other things on top of that too. I need to find property damage, civilian casualties, publicity stunts, anything else he did that it didn't matter what happened to other people as long as he got what he wanted. I want a whole manila envelope full and plenty of flash drives. I want at least 12 copies of everything just in case because he's a slick man with a lot of connections. I want to be prepared. I need to be prepared." You squeezed the mug cracking it. "Shit." You shook your head looking off to the side. You needed to think. You needed to prepare. This was only the beginning.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now