The Chosen One

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A/N: Let me know at the end of this story if you want me to make a separate long chapter broken up into different parts of you getting together with the people I've eliminated. You might be upset with who I'm eliminating. This is the ending of the story. I'm coming back to this but I don't know when.

Edit: 09/19/22

I am in fact making separate chapters for each character! I am finally coming back to this story and I want to give it the justice it deserves!


"Okay so now who are the ones that you're just about 100 percent sure want to date you." You had a list with names on it glancing over it once more before handing it to Ruska. She looked it over with a hum

"Okay, so we got Kugo, Emi, Shouta, Jin, Atsu, Masaki, Rumi, Kishiko, Taishiro, Tsunagu, Shinya, Mirai, Ryo, Hizashi, and a few others." You turned to her grabbing the list and crossing off those couple of others because they are not important for this anymore. You decided that the fore-mentioned people were more important and you had big ass decisions to try and make.

"I think I'm going to talk to Shinya, Mirai, and Kishiko. I really like them a lot but, I don't think a relationship would last with us you know? The kids like them a little bit, not full-blown you know? Who knows maybe they know this or don't even like me at all you know?" You were rambling but, she allowed it so you can get your thoughts together.

"If that's what you feel needs to be done to feel satisfied then do it!" She was right. You liked them and saw them more temporary then someone you would want to marry and have children with. That's the point you've gotten to. You decided to talk with Mirai first over face call considering he was the easiest and quickest you felt you can talk to. You went to your room for privacy calling over face call seeing he picked up and was shirtless

"Yo, I called you at a wrong time bro?" He definitely was a bro. He looked over to the side where you heard a woman sigh. You grinned largely at him "Fuck yeah Mirai. You're not a damn prude after all. Call me when you get the chance." You hung up so he can finish rearranging them guts. That was way easier than you thought it was going to be. Now you got Shinya and Kishiko. Shinya was on patrol so maybe? You took a risk after finishing with Mirai and called him praying he would answer. He did.

"You know I'm on patrol." You nodded your head needing to just say it without saying it

"I have a crush on someone. I don't know what to tell them." It was quiet on the other end before a light chuckle escaped him.

"I'm both aromantic and asexual. You're asking the wrong person." Well damn. You had to put no work in for this.

"Thanks, Shinya! Sorry to bother you." The two of you hung up and now all you had to worry about was Kishiko. He was cute but, you knew he can get someone better. Maybe he moved on like Mirai did or something. The last two made your life easy so maybe he can do the same.

"Y/N come to look on the TV quick!" Moving quickly from your room you went to the living room where Ruska was pointing to the TV. Surprisingly there was Pro Hero Selkie holding hands with someone who was covering their face. You literally couldn't tell who they were which was good because the media always feels they are entitled to a pro hero's personal life. They are not.

"My life just became easier with 3 fewer people off the list. Now I got Ryo, Shouta, Kugo, Rumi, Ryuku, Emi, Jin, Atsu, Tsunagu, Taishiro and Masaki." You knew what was going to happen. Your children liked all of them except Emi. Emi was going to be the one you was going to cut off. You didn't have her new number since she changed it so you called Shouta to see if maybe he has her number. Something told you after you guys had sex that her infatuation with Shouta was starting to become mutual. You weren't going to be upset if they got together just more of a 'I knew it' moment. He answered after a couple rings looking out of breath. He was sitting on the couch with his dining table in the back. He was trying to muffle the speaker but, you heard someone was in his shower. Could be Hizashi or Midnight. Maybe.

Lizard Queen *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now