6 ➤ 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬

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Chapter 6
"under the stars"


"with me?" I ask confusedly

"yeah we're friends are we not?"

I look up to akaashi and give him a smile.

"yeah we are"

Akaashi grabs the broom back from my hands and starts to help me clean. he's hot, respectful and helpful? This man could not be more perfect.

We both finish cleaning and the other managers come in to help set the table for everyone to eat. Once everything gets set up and everyone is sat down I realize that there's no more available seats for me.

"Are you sure we don't have any more chairs?" I ask Kaori

"I checked like 3 times I have no idea where that chair went." She responds

"IF YOU WANT YOU CAN SIT ON MY LAP L/N" tanaka yells out.

"BACK OFF SHES MINE AND SHES OUR MANAGER" Yamamoto stands up and crosses his arms.

"boys shut up please" I sigh

I take my plate of food and walk outside of the dining room.

"wait y/n where are you going?" Bokuto asks

"oh I'll just eat by myself on the hill" I smile

"I'll join you" Akaashi walks up behind me with his plate in his hand.

"sure some company would be nice" I smile and walk out with akaashi.

"I can't believe that worked." yachi gasped

"me neither anyways we did her a favor" kuroo says while munching his food.

"how long do you think until they get together?" bokuto asks

" like a month maybe y/n is sometimes a lot to handle and akaashi hasn't met that side of her yet." Kenma said while taking little bites of his tonkatsu.

"good job on hiding the chair yukie." Kaori high fives yukie.

AKAASHIS POV (yuh switching it up😜)

The scene looked straight out of a movie, it was dark and you could see the stars clearly shining up the sky. We were sitting side by side eating enjoying each other's company.


"hm?" I turn my head towards her

"this is a weird question but have you ever been in a relationship?" she tucks her hair in her ear looking at me.

I wasn't expecting y/n to ask me this, I take another bite of my food and look over at her.

"yeah I have what about you?"

she puts her plate on the side and grabs her knees and pulls them towards her, cute.

"not really I mean middle school relationships don't count they're so gross and cringe" she laughed

[✔️] 𝑵𝑬𝑲𝑶𝑴𝑨'𝑺 𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑨𝑮𝑬𝑹 ➸k.akaashi Where stories live. Discover now