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Chapter 2


"Need help?" Akaashi asked while leaning his back on the wall.

"oh uh yeah I'm kinda lost" I smile

I follow Akaashi to where he led me to the water fountain.

"thanks Akaashi-san I appreciate it."

He simply just gives me a smile and walks away.

I can tell already tell he's pretty reserved and quiet but he's so respectful.

I walk back to the parking lot to find the whole team waiting for me. I hand out all of their bottles and watch them gulp it down like they haven't drank in 5 days.

"L/n-san!" Yukie and Kaori said while walking towards me.

They were both Fukurodani's managers, they were both so nice and funny and definitely could be friends with them.

"Yukie, Kaori thank you so much!" I bowed

"Y/n drop the formality we could say we're friends now!!" Kaori exclaimed

I felt myself smile widely, I haven't had much friends other than the boys. Every girl hated me for how close I was with Kuroo and it was relieving to finally have some girl friends.

"wait really?" I asked in disbelief

"Of course, managers always stick together." Yukie smiled

"here's my number." I smiled as I gave them my number

"Y/NNNNN!!!" Bokuto yelled out

I look up to see bokuto yelling my name and jumping up and down and Akaashi just standing next to him with his hands behind his back giving his usual relaxed expression.

I quickly ran over to Bokuto and gave him a hug.

"y/n-san I'm gonna miss you" Bokuto got into his depressed state

"Bokuto you just met today." Akaashi glared at him

"AND I LOVE Y/N" Bokuto cried out

"aw Bokuto I'll miss you too." I pouted

"goodbye y/n it was my pleasure meeting you." Akaashi said

I instantly stiffened and my face started to heat up. My heart was racing like never before and my palms became extremely sweaty.

"it was definitely pleasurable
meeting you I mean- not that you pleasured me while meeting you I just-" I got cut off by a sudden hand to my mouth.

"Excuse her she's pretty weird sometimes." Kuroo said while covering my mouth and towering over me.

I instantly felt myself redden out of embarrassment. NOT THAT YOU PLEASURED ME BY MEETING YOU WHO SAYS THAT? I genuinely wanted to throw myself over a bridge and drown.

Akaashi was just standing there confusedly and not sure about what was going on.

Kuroo dragged me into the bus and immediately started laughing and teasing me.

[✔️] 𝑵𝑬𝑲𝑶𝑴𝑨'𝑺 𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑨𝑮𝑬𝑹 ➸k.akaashi Where stories live. Discover now