The Date to Remember

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"Out of the other 4 girls in Night Raid, who is, in your opinion, the cutest? I took myself out cause obviously I would win." Unknowingly, she said what Tatsumi was thinking. He was stunned.

"Wait... Was it that obvious?" He blushed a little bit then looked away.

"Was what that obvious?" Chelsea asked, confused.

Thank god she didn't catch it, Tatsumi thought. "Nothing, nothing. I guess... Uh... It'd be Mine or Akame. Okay, enough with that... Anyways, Truth or Dare?" He already had something in mind when she answered.


This was it. This was his chance. He was really nervous, staring at such an attractive girl. That's when he looked into her eyes, her glorious, starry eyes, and replied, "If... If I were to ask you out, right here, right now... What would you say?"

Chelsea blushed like the reddest strawberry known to man, almost like how Sasha Braus looks at Potatoes. "Y-you idiot." She leaned forward and pecked a kiss on his cheek.

Tatsumi was left paralyzed. He didn't expect her to answer like this. But... He got what he asked for, right? "I'm guessing that's a yes?"


Sarcastically, Chelsea replied, "Noooo, I just accidentally fell forward and just so happened to have my lips perked. Of course that's a yes!" She was still blushing but then again, they were both blushing.

Tatsumi smiled a little bit, and hugged Chelsea. "As long as it doesn't get in the way of Night Raid, we can go out tonight. Right?"

"Totally," was the only reply that came out of Chelsea.

--------TIME SKIP--------

"Ready to go, Chelsea?" Tatsumi asked, dressed in a nice tuxedo.

"Let's." Chelsea was wearing a dress, but one that isn't too restricting, in case they get into a pinch.

They walked out of the base and headed to the city, each armed underneath their clothes. They didn't know what to expect anyway.

Soon, they arrived at a restaurant, specifically the one where Leone ripped Tatsumi off. They sat down, and immediately the server was there. He handed them their menus, told them his name was Ryota, and asked what they'd like to drink.

"I'll have just some water," Tatsumi said.

"Tea for me, please." Chelsea smiled at the waiter, and he left to go get the drinks. She then shifted her chair towards Tatsumi and looked him up and down. "So Tatsumi, how'd you come to join Night Raid?"

"Oh, it's a long story but we have time. So I came from the country, and we get no money at all there. It's very rare that we get supplies. So I decided that me and my 2 best friends would join the Imperial Army and change that."

"Where are they?" Chelsea asked innocently. She didn't know what had happened to them.

"They're... They're gone..." Tatsumi looked away quickly so she wouldn't see he was tearing up just barely.

"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry..." She looked down, and, to keep it from getting worse, asked, "Well, continue with the story, I guess." She looked up and smiled to change the mood.

"Oh, yeah." He wiped his eyes and looked back at Chelsea. "Well, once I was in the capital, I met Leone. But that's not how I got in, of course. I still wanted to join the army. Leone ripped me off and pretty much stole my money, by saying she'd get me into the army."

At this time, the waiter came with their drinks, and set them down. "Thanks, Ryoko." He nodded, then asked what they would like to eat. They didn't know yet, so he left and would come back later.

"Continue, I'm intrigued," said Chelsea. She rest her head on her hands. Her eyes sparkled, and Tatsumi went blank.

He stared into her eyes for a whole 10 seconds before coming back to his senses. "What's wrong?" Chelsea asked.

"Sorry, sorry, you're just so... Beautiful." Tatsumi smiled and then looked away, expecting to get smacked. However, she didn't smack him. She just stared at him in awe. He was completely oblivious to the fact that she just fell in love with him. "Anyway, so, I waited for her to come back, but she never did. I went outsi-"

Chelsea cut him off. "Wh-what did you say?"

"I said that I waited for her to-"

She cut him off again. "Before that."

Tatsumi realized what she meant. "I was distracted by your beauty."

"You... You really think I look beautiful?" She was blushing like a tomato.

"Of course I do, Chelsea..." Tatsumi smiled and looked into her eyes. "Every single bit of you."

Chelsea almost fainted. Luckily, Tatsumi caught her, and kept her from passing out. It created a big scene, and everyone was looking at them. It was obvious, now, that she fell for him. (YES THAT WAS A PUN HUE) Tatsumi pulled her closer... and closer... until their faces were inches apart... then, they came a little closer and-

"T-TATSUMI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Mine yelled just before they kissed. Both of them leapt backwards at the scare. Mine was standing at the door in completely black clothes, very unusual, and her hair tucked in behind her shirt. "THIS WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN!" Mine screamed.


What is this plan of theirs? Was there even a plan in the first place? ~To be continued~


Hey guys.
I'm still relatively new at this, so I need some more requests! I only have 2 but they're still in the air, so to speak. Plus, I need some tips! It's my first time making fanfiction, too.
Like how it's going so far? Tell me in the comments!

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