Flame Found (Part 6)

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"Welcome to your first class in Alfea girls! I am Professor Palladium and in this class you will learn all about your powers and what makes you special, how many of you been able to transform?" He asked. 

Stella, Diaspro, and some others raised their hands. "And those who didn't yet, don't worry, you will learn, here's a simple spell, when said right your magical creature will appear" 

"Sir, magical creature?" Tecna asked. "Yes, a creature that fits your magic, please Diaspro first" 

Diaspro smiled and stood up, "By the power in me, the creature in me, magical creature by my voice I ask to free you to see!" Diaspro said and she glowed orange and a orange ghost like fox formed. 

"Very nice, your creature is a fox!" 

The animal disappered. "I'm so much better" Diaspro smirked. "Musa please" 

"By the power in me, the creature in me, magical creature by my voice I ask to free you to see!" Musa said and she glowed purple and a ghost like whale formed beside her. 

"A singing whale!" Musa gasped while smiling. "Very beautiful" 


"By the power in me, the creature in me, magical creature by my voice I ask to free you to see!" A yellow glow formed a starling. 

"A starling, these creatures are hides in stars" 


"By the power in me, the creature in me, magical creature by my voice I ask to free you to see!" Bloom said and she glowed a red and a dragon formed. 

"A dragon, how creative" Diaspro chuckled. Bloom put her head down. Professor Palladium was shocked as he saw what no other person would ever see, the Great Dragon. 

"Alright, thank you to the girls who did the spell, tomorrow the others will go" 

The bell rang and the girls went to potion class. Palladium went straight to Miss. Faragonda's office. 

"Hello, Palladium can I help?" She asked. "A fairy here has the Dragon Fire" He said. Miss. Faragonda's face went shocked. 

"How do you know?" She asked. Palladium explained how he knew. 

"That spell never lies, she must be the keeper, the Company of Light has always looked for the Flame to protect it but it seems she is the keeper" 

"Tell Miss. Grizelda to watch over Alfea, I'm headed to Domino" Miss. Faragonda said and formed a portal in her mirror. 

Miss. Faragonda stepped out into Domino by the palace gates. "I'm here to speak with Queen Marian and King Oritel" She said. The guards nodded and let her through. 

"Faragonda, welcome to Domino, it's been a long time, but don't you have a school to run?" Marian asked. 

"I do, but right now I have questions and I need answers" 

"Okay, what is it?" Oritel asked. "Your daughter, Bloom, she has the Dragon Fire, doesn't she?" 

Marian and Oritel didn't say a word. "Marian, Oritel...when we were young we looked for it to protect it, did you know your daughter is the keeper?" 

"Faragonda, we won't lie, she is...we haven't told her, we wanted to protect her and when she got into Alfea if we stopped her she'd be broken...only we know about this and we want it to stay this way" 

"I'm sorry but she will find out soon, and the thing I fear most is someone will find out about who she is and try and steal the Flame" 

"Nobody will find out, Faragonda" 

"Excuse me but once she finds out and uses all of her power, someone will feel it and locate her, she will get hurt" 

"Are you saying you want us to tell her about this secret?" Oritel asked. "Yes, the sooner she knows the faster she will learn about her power and how to defend herself" 

"Oritel, we've hid this from her for years, it's time, Faragonda's right...Alfea is a save place where she will learn" Marian said. 

"I just don't want to lose another daughter, like Daphne" 

"That wasn't your fault" Faragonda said to Oritel. "She saved her kingdom by making a great sacrifice" 

"Yes, but by stopping the Ancient Witches with a Sirenix spell that then turned against her, turning her into a ghost" 

"But that spell also formed Oblivion and locked them away" Faragonda said. "Do we tell her about Daphne too?" 

"No, only her power" Oritel sighed. 

"Tomorrow we will come to Alfea and tell her, if that works for you" Marian said. "Of course, thank you" Faragonda said and left. 

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