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Hello everyone! I have a few announcements to make. I'm typing this currently in pain due to a recent surgery. Yes, I know 😭😭 doctors found two kidney stones, one in each kidney and I had to get operated on on Friday. I'm still recovering from that and truth be told, I'm in so much pain that I can't sit up, or lay down or stand.
I know I have a few requests lined up for this book, I'm working on them. I just want to take this time to really give you a picture on why I may be late in uploading this imagines book.
First of all, a family member of mine has cancer and that really puts me in a spot where I am one of the primary caretakers now. I also work full time which has me going from work to working at home and making sure everyone is ok.
Secondly, I do have other books that I am updating on a scheduled basis. Please do understand that due to those, I may not be always available to do requests on a scheduled basis. If you send in a request, I will upload at my own timeframe.
Lastly, my health. Due to so much stress, my body has been having weird symptoms and these kidney stones are just one of many that I am juggling.
I am not trying to point anyone out or say I won't do requests, but I feel I should clear up the air on why I may not be able to attend to your requests so quickly. I apologize again for the wait, and I hope you can be patient with me. I love you all. Take care!

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