My Heart Will Always Belong To You, Jamesie-Poo! *bats eyes flirtatiously*

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Sirius' POV (Third POV)-

"-RION BLACK! ...PADFOOT! IF YOU DON't GET YOUR LAZY ARSE OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW, WE WILL MISS THE TRAIN!" James Fleaumont Potter shouted at Sirius Orion Black while whacking him with a pillow, a blanket, anything he could get his hands on. Which included a heavy candelabra.

Sirius shot out of his warm, soft bed and landed on the furry red carpet, his shin aching from getting beaten by a picture frame. "What do you mean we're gonna miss the train?!" Sirius screamed back at him.

Prongs glared at Sirius. "I mean you wouldn't wake up and now we're gonna be late!"

Sirius hopped up off the floor and dragged James out of his bedroom along with his trunk. "Go put this is downstairs. I'll be right down!"

"Oh, sure, you will, Sirius," James grumbled as Sirius slammed the door in his face, "You haven't even done your hair yet, and that takes two hours."

Sirius shrieked louder than any teenage girl to ever exist. "Oh, my Merlin! I haven't done my hair," He wailed dramatically, completely aware he had just repeated what Prongs said moments before, "I can't go to the station like this! What would people think of me?!"

"They would probably wonder why a pig is walking on its hind legs and wearing Sirius Black's robes." A snarky voice answered him through the thick wooden door.

"Shut up, you prat," Sirius growled back.

Sirius zoomed towards the bathroom and attempted at doing his hair while brushing his teeth. It failed. Badly. He got toothpaste in his hair and had it running down his chin like drool. He sighed in frustration while wiping his face. You know what? Sirius could do his bathroom business after getting dressed.

He raced out of the bathroom and threw on some clothes he found in his dresser. The Animagus was wearing a white T-Shirt, black skinny jeans, combat boots, fingerless leather gloves, and his good ol' leather jacket. Along with a Gryffindor pendant of course. What? You guys know Sirius all about that house pride!

Sirius ran back into the bathroom and slathered his personally-made-just-for-him-and-no-one-else hair potions onto his flawless, pale hands and he rubbed them into his luscious black hair, massaging his scalp. Sirius cast about ten different spells on his hair to make it look messy but elegant and hot. (A/N- Since Sirius is at the Potter's, an all magical family, the Ministry won't be able to tell who is casting the spell.) Then, Sirius cast a Hot-Air Charm on his beautiful locks and ran a hand through them once it was all dry. Oh, yeah. Sirius looked hot. And it only took twenty minutes, unlike the two hours it usually takes! Sirius Orion Black deserved a pat on the back for all his hard effort.

Sirius walked out of the bedroom and snatched up his wand, putting it into its dragon leather holster. He ran out into the hallway, ignoring the shouts of protest from the portraits to 'keep it down' and to 'stop running in the halls'. Sirius saw the banister that connected to the grand staircase come into his sight and he got prepared to slide down it.

...Sirius grabbed a hold of the banister!

...He landed on his stomach and slid down the thick, smooth, cherry wood face first.

...He clung onto the railing like it was his lifeline. Which it was.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Sirius screamed out of fear and excitement. James was standing at the end of the stairs. He turned around and his bespectacled hazel eyes widened.

"What the-? Padfoot!" He screeched when he saw Sirius was less than ten feet away from crashing into him.

"AAAAAHHHH- WHAOW!" Sirius screamed in pain as James and he landed in a crumpled heap on the wooden floor.

𝑻𝒘𝒐 𝑺𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒊𝒏 | 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑬𝒓𝒂Where stories live. Discover now