Chapter 35

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My head hurts Sky whined

Well yeah you just cracked your forehead open Colby said walking in with a cold water bottle and her pain killers she rolled her eyes taking the pills and water from him

This is gonna be so boring she whined

Yup Sam said

Here you go mommy Maggie said walking in with a tub of ice cream and a spoon she smiled

Thank you she said taking it from her she smiled


It's been two day Colby I gained my blood back and I'm not dizzy anymore Sky said

Sky you need to rest Jay said

Oi, fuck off she said to him she looked back at Colby "I promise I won't do anything stupid" he shook his head she sighed then gave him her puppy eyes he made a face

Fine he said she smiled clapping her hand on her thigh happy she grabbed her crutches going to her closet to get dressed

Can you tie my shoe Sky asked Brennen he sat his drink down squatting down and tying her shoe "Thank Bren Bren" she patted his head standing up

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Can you tie my shoe Sky asked Brennen he sat his drink down squatting down and tying her shoe "Thank Bren Bren" she patted his head standing up

You ready Elton yelled comin out of the kitchen with Brandon she nodded grabbing the crutches from Brennen going to them

Be careful Sam gritted through her teeth

Yes mom she joked rolling her eyes cracking a smile

Elton don't let her do anything stupid Colby said

Yes mom Elton said copying Sky's voice she flipped him off he laughed as they walked out


Hey guys welcome back to TFIL and yes Sky is back he said looking back at her then laughing as she still had the weird mask on messing with the jousting pole or that's what Elton calls it

Let's go Sky one of them said she held back her laugh turning to them with the pole

I just want everyone to have a great time I want no violence I don't want no rushing no speeding if someone gets hurt we need to check on them we need to make sure they're not bleeding they're not injured there's no broken bones. You know what I'm sayin? And like if anyone cusses they're banned from the city um... let's just have fun and like if you guys wanna have fun say like Yeah she said in a sassy girly tone

YEAH everyone yelled

LET'S FUCKING DO IT she yelled in a slight deep voice everyone cheered

Ladies and gentlemen get ready for the HRSDCNJHDU Sky yelled with the mask still on and holding a shield in her left hand the one with the cast on and the pole in her right they all began yelling in a cheerful way some jumped down from the unit thing and fought

Love story Jake Webberजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें